
The mammoth cat strikes againhttp://images.snapfish.com/342%3A599523232fp63%3Dot>2337%3D785%3D<56%3DXROQDF>23237659%3A6497ot1lsi

Someone showed me this at work about a month ago. Are there any Photoshop guys on the forum to confirm this or declare it a fake? It freaks me out considering I have an orange tabby kitten who is getting big for his age. Yikes!


Damn that is one big hairy pussy

I’m thinking it came from next to the Chernobyl Nuclear Facility.

If I had a cat this big, I’d be cool…

This is at least the second time around. The Cat thing is getting old.

Everybody loves the giant cat.

http://members.tripod.com/snickers99/comics/giantcat.jpgOk i’ll play… Take that… pussy lover!

and That…


Thats huge! My neighbor has a cat that big or bigger. I always have to take a second look, its so big I thinks its a dog.

Google has billions of them!!!



Although there are tons of fake or photoshopped pics out there, including the one showing the guy holding that huge white cat, this firts pic on the thread is actually 100% genuine. Check out the true story at snopes.com


Largest cat (according to Guiness) http://www.verismocat.com/htmscripts/leo-guinness.htm

The white cat is definitely photoshop’d. Look at the tail - totally doesn’t match.


whoa. Holy litter back-hoe litter box. That’s a Grand Champion.

Man, I have to feed my cats something different. They are no where near that large.

Last one just for fun…


The mammoth cat strikes againhttp://images.snapfish.com/342%3A599523232fp63%3Dot>2337%3D785%3D<56%3DXROQDF>23237659%3A6497ot1lsi

“Return of the mammoth cat” & “Dang”

Two separate threads on the same picture of a fat cat… man, I was less concerned when you were posting pictures of those homely girls you thought were hot :wink:

When will it ever end…




that cat is just unwell…

I’d like to see the original cat after a bath, wonder how much of that size is just fluff…