My family and I are going to Maui for spring break next year. Will be there 10 days and contemplating shipping my bike out. Curious about the cycling. We are staying at Kaanapali. Most of the roads I have seen are relatively crowded without much of a shoulder. Wondering if it is worthwhile.
Actually the roads have come a long way. Iwas just ther for Xterra Worlds, and spent 10 days. The highways usually have pretty good shoulders. The West Maui road is very narrow, but not too much traffic, and mostly slow moving tourists. The Kaanapali are is a bit congested through Lahaina, but heading East and South to Maalea and Kihei/Wailea is a nice shoulder. I would also look into riding up the Volcano.
West Maui loop is a fantastic ride. The roads are narrow (and pretty crappy for a few miles), but the views are great. Lots of hills and not very many cars
Once you get 1 mile N of Kaanapali it won’t be crowded.
You will kick yourself if you don’t take your bike. It is some of the best riding I have ever done. The traffic really isn’t that bad. And the weather, roads and terrain are incredible. You have to Haleakala. 35 miles of climbing from 0 to 10,000+ feet. West maui is awesome too.
I just rented a bike for a week during our two week stay. Had a blast well worth it, traded the road bike in after 4 days for a Mt Bike. Agreed the coolest ride was 30 miles uphill towards Haliakala. Were you are staying is the busiest area but north / south is great. We stayed north and found great riding big shoulders. Take your cycling clothes for sure.
there is a bike shop next to the airport that rents specialized bikes. i had a friend rent one, and bring his shoes, pedals, seat and post. it was much cheaper than bringing his bike and he didnt have to tear his bike down put it together and do it again to get it home. he brought his bikes measurements and the bike shop adjusted the bike he rented.