Cycling camera

Looking for a front and possibly rear camera for my bike with long enough battery/record time for a 6+ hour ride.

Does this exist in a simple, not crazy expensive package?

I’ve never used them but have heard good reports


I have both the Fly12 (front) and Fly6 (rear) from Cyclic and I would recommend avoiding them.

Firstly the customer service is fairly rubbish. I purchased them during their Black Friday special and despite knowing there would be some lead time before shipping, customer service outright ignored any messages and the devices ended up arriving 9 months later.

The Fly6 camera isn’t the greatest and things like number plates were only visible in perfect lighting conditions. It ended up completely dying the first time it got a small amount of moisture on it and considering I live in the Middle East where it rains 3 times a year, I wouldn’t want to risk it someplace where riding in the rain or even just wet roads is common. Again customer service was unhelpful and basically said I’d just have to purchase another one.

The Fly12 definitely has a good camera and is fairly decent in all conditions, the only problem is the battery life. I use it as my main source of light when I ride at night time (which is infrequently) and I don’t even get 90min out of it even with the light on the lowest blinking setting. It’s also fairly hefty and I do worry about my front mount snapping if I hit a bump a bit hard.

And also don’t get me started on the app interface and connectivity. Shit is whack!

Now, having said all that, it does look as though they’ve released a new model of both devices (Fly 12 Sport, Fly 6 Gen 3) since I purchased mine, so it could be that all of the above is not an issue (although I won’t be re-trying it). That’s my 2c at any rate

Looking for a front and possibly rear camera for my bike with long enough battery/record time for a 6+ hour ride.

Does this exist in a simple, not crazy expensive package?

Answer: No.

Honestly it doesn’t Even the Cycliq doesn’t really do what you want, it loops around in really short clips intended to store a crash or incident as opposed to recording a full ride. Note that in reality you woudln’t want to do that as no-one would ever want to watch a 6 hour ride…

What I did do for up to 4 hours was use a gopro, with a 3rd party (Wasabi) piggyback battery that was set to take a time lapse image every 10 seconds. When stitched into a video at 30fps then it turns the ride into under a 1minute video. Gave enough of a flavour of the ride and I also got the stills of pretty much any incidents.

But was still ‘dicking about’ as the backpack added to the size and weight of the gopro, and stopped the use of the factory cage which then meant you needed to unscrew it to be able to charge/download.

So this is the same as the ‘tiny still camera for when running’. 20+ years ago a colleague had a 480pixel digital camera that was the size and thickness of a credit card. Was early days of digital cameras and I thought this was witchcraft. But all these years later there’s still not a ‘clip’ style camera that I could use to just grap a snap of a sunrise, etc for a strava post. And mobile phones have grown in size/weight from the days of the Motorola startac so despite having cameras embedded means I don’t bother at all.

/ranty old man