Custom wetsuit

I’m tall and don’t fit comfortably into any wetsuits. Does anyone know of a company that would modify an existing wetsuit by adding a few inches of neoprene in the middle to lengthen the torso?

Tried googling and can’t figure out search terms to yield any results. Found a few that do repairs just thought I’d check before reaching out to those.

Have you tried a DeSoto 2 piece? By far the least restrictive wetsuit I’ve worn and is ideal for taller (or any odd proportioned) people.

I also recommend getting in touch with Emilio. The T1 is the most awesome wetsuit for many reasons. Chances are he will be able to size you up for a perfect fit with no compromise.

I’m tall and don’t fit comfortably into any wetsuits. Does anyone know of a company that would modify an existing wetsuit by adding a few inches of neoprene in the middle to lengthen the torso?

Tried googling and can’t figure out search terms to yield any results. Found a few that do repairs just thought I’d check before reaching out to those.

Snugg in the UK can do what you want:
But I’d imagine that it would be best to get them to make you a new one or contact DeSoto as suggested.