Current Bike Fitter in SouthEast

Hey all, I am looking to get a new road bike and missing that I am no longer in Phoenix and won’t have access to Paraic at Cyclologic. My fits from him have been amazing and treated me well.

I’d like someone that is within 3-4hours of Charleston, SC and isn’t just flying in for a session, so I can go back if needed. I’m looking for the best because I am super injury prone and a reliable fit helps me avoid a good bit of issues. Ideally it’s someone that know’s tt/tri bike fits too so that it’s not too far off from my roadie and if I want to get more aggressive on that fit I can. I previously went to Jim Cunningham about 15 years ago, not sure if he is my best shot in the area or if there are others. Charlotte and Atlanta are my other metro areas and I know there are a decent option or two in both.

Anyways, a lot of the suggestions I saw when I searched were from quite a few years ago so figured I’d post up so others could benefit as well.

Heath Dotson

Karel Sumbal in Greenville