Cube Aerium c68X saddlepost cage mount adapter

Just received said bike and I know it’s not all too common.
I see Lucy Charles-Barclay and Frederic Funk having like a custom (metal?) rod bottle adaptor stuck in the saddle adaptor hole. Does anyone know what this is and where to get it before I start experimenting with custom solutions.

Looks like Lucy in Kona used already a more updated solution, closer to the saddle, however there’s some sod of rod still stuck in the saddle post.

Here’s also the older setup similar to Funk:

Lots of options to do a BTS (Behind the Saddle) setup.

Tririg and Profile Design make something very similar to what you’re seeing. Just look under the hydration category.

Amazon sells hydration brackets you can mount to the saddle rails. Pair this with an XLAB Aero Pouch 300 and you have a flat kit storage and hydration combo.

Lastly, Zip ties are always a good and cheap alternative.

XLab Delta Sonic also attaches the same way as Lucy’s and Funk’s

Yes, looks like the Xlab Delta Sonic is the thing. I’ll validate the circumference first.
Thanks for the contributions!

Congrats on getting on of the few Aerium C68x bikes actually in existence. How did you manage to get hold of one? It seems like it’s permanently on “coming soon”,

Not sure where you are located, but I am in the US, and have a Delta Sonic I came across in my parts drawer that I was about to list with a few other items.

Congrats on getting on of the few Aerium C68x bikes actually in existence. How did you manage to get hold of one? It seems like it’s permanently on “coming soon”,

I put in the order in October. The November delivery date was pushed around like 6 times and ended up being delivered in March.

Based in Europe, btw.

Won’t be answering your question so I apologize for the hijacking :slight_smile:

I will be receiving the aerium this week, fingers crossed, it would be great if you have some real life experience with it. I can’t change anything yet but any first impressions will be appreciated


Bike feels good and planted. More stable than my previous one, but I’m yet to take a proper ride outside (did just a few technical corners around the block), been using it indoor on a rocker plate. Snow just left my country.

Had some surprises. My previous bike was rim brake Trek Speed Concept 2nd generation.

While most things can be adjusted within reason, I stumbled on the need to use a bridge between armrest supports (if you use 4cm or longer spacer). The bridge makes the usage of front straw bottle impossible. Looks like thr engineers of hydration and aerobars didn’t really talk.

After digging around, found that using the riser basebar could work around the issue. LBS wasn’t much help unfortunately, saying that Cube likes to take it’s time answering questions. Base bar was quoted 250 extra, for now I will test a slightly lower position. If it works I’ll be more aero :wink:

Behind saddle bottle cage I used Profile Design RM-10, looks like a good fit and Funk is now using the same thing.

The aerobars are weirdly shaped and Project 76 computer mount is a tough fit for Edge 1030. Get the one sided version, you can position it furher from grip.

Sram is not great requiring integrated rings with power if you go past 48 tooth rings with Force.

So, lots of upgrades, but it looks and feels a fast and rihid bike.

The bridge makes the usage of front straw bottle impossible. Looks like thr engineers of hydration and aerobars didn’t really talk.

Pretty sure both of those parts were designed by Profile Design. Maybe cyclenutnz can chime in whether the bridge is really required for 4cm of spacers.