CT real course video

I can not get any of the courses to open on my laptop or computer.
Laptop isa dell inspiron 1150 with windows xp pentium 4, 2.40 ghz, 1.20 ghz, 512 megs of ram.
Seems to download the course but does not open them. I does open computrainer 3D and all their courses and works flawlesslt there. I have IMNZ, IMAZ, IMAUS , IMH. IMCDL and IMLP. Lots of money sittig there I cannot use. Whats wrong ?

Try the forums over at the Raermate website. I remember seeing posts with this issue but I never really paid attention as mine loaded without any problems.

Did you register them as they downloaded? Your computer should be capable. I agree check out the forum.

Thanks I will check the website. Do you have to register them before ? And if i purchased them with a used computrainer if the first person registered them will they still work. I had no problems loading the computraner 3d program

I would check it out yourself… but I think they can only be registered to one computer by the original owner. I hope I’m wrong but I think that is the case.

Thanks The guy i bought the computrainer off of and the video said he only down loaded and registered one. i do not know which one , but they all do not work. i will check when i get back to work as I left the laptop there and will try some of the fixes I also saw on racermate website.

if you still continue to have problems with opening these videos contact me through my website www.pelotoncyclingcenter.com i have most of them and can possibly walk you through troubleshooting it. it might be just the way you’re opening them. you can email me if you like also mark@pelotoncyclingcenter.com

Courts have repeatedly ruled that original software disks can be sold/transferred. Racermate is an awesome company, that makes a solid project, and has sorted out issues whenever I’ve needed help.