Critique my new fit / position

Was wondering if you all could please take a quick look at new saddle position and height, slightly self-adjusted after a fit last year. Feels pretty comfortable, similar to old fit.


fist send payment. then will look at you posting.

I would love to give you my opinion.To do that I need to start with a history and an evaluation …I would want to know what your old position was and why you made the changes. Looking at a short film does not allow me to give you good advice…
If you would like to schedule an appointment I will be glad to help .

Happy Freedman
Bicycle Fitting Specialist
Prosthetics and Orthotics/DME
Hospital for Special Surgery
510 East 73rd Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10021
646.797.8343 fax

A fitting is much more than can be picked up in a photo or video. One needs to assess your physical condition, flexibility, injuries etc. Also one needs to assess the actual weight you are placing on your hands when you are under a significant stress/ intensity. Also a big part of any fitting is he assessment of you knee tracking. Sizing the frame is a small part of a proper fitting. Go to your nearest fitter and get a proper fit. It is not easy to do this yourself.