Critical Mass

I’ve never started a thread here before. I start this thread with trepidation because I need to get this off my chest

Most of the discussion here is about the bike. Alot of us here, including myself, ride alot and would like a safer world to ride in, less cars, better manners, etc. However, and maybe no one cares, but my observation is that the people who ride the Critical Mass rides are for the most part a bunch of arrogant, self righteous jerks.

I say this because I have now had two run ins with these people. In the first run in my car was surrounded and “touched” (not lightly) repeatedly. Not only that, but when they saw my bike in the back they began a string of verbal abuse that did not stop until they were all past. Frankly, it is none of their bleeping business why I was driving and not riding at that time. That along with the total disregard of my personal property, I was about to get out and start kicking some a** when my wife intervened and calmed me down.

The second incident happened as I walked home on a Friday a couple of weeks ago. The whole pack shot through a red without regard for pedestrians or cross traffic, almost hitting some of us. When we voiced our displeasure we were hooted at as if we were the ones in the wrong.

Now I am the first person to give a driver using the bike lane to “pass on the right” an earful, but these people are too much. If I were a cop I’d round up the whole pack, toss them in jail for the night, and let them grow some manners. They think they are being a role model for a kinder, cleaner, gentler world when they are in fact being a role model for bad behavior. And they give all bikers a bad name as well.

Just my opinion!!

My view echoes yours. Critical mass is really nothing more than mob psychology, and I’ve written several diatribes against it. Reminds me a lot of the mass “sit-in” war protests of years ago. My view is that, if you want to be respected as part of normal traffic, you have to act like it – flagrant disregard for trffic law isn’t the way to go.

Not too sure what “critical mass” as it relate to biking. Is it a movement or bike group or what? Regardless the behavior you relate is just ridiculous.

Is it a movement or bike group or what?<<

Organized civil disobedience.

I may not like all of their tactics, but they do draw attention to cyclists and the cycling community. They also draw attention to the fact that it is dangerous as hell to ride in many metropolitan areas. It shouldn’t be. Cyclists have the right to use the road. Anything that draws attention to bicycle commuters and their rights I tend to like.

They do practice civil disobedience to get there point across. It does cause some unrest. Sometimes that is what it takes to bring attention to peoples points of view.

Couldn’t agree with you more. These groups at times are some of the most inconsiderate people around. What makes matters worse, is they don’t care what happens to anyone in a group. One of our Mass groups has a huge A, B, and C ride. The C ride goes an easy 18-20mph. Usually when I train for IM, I go at it alone, and I came across a woman crying (THERE’S NO CRYING IN CYCLING!!!) that she was lost because she lost the c-group. Once I finally got this woman calmed down, I got her to familiar roads (DID SHE EVER KILL THE AVERAGE!)…Anyways, point being, I think it is better to hit the road with a group of 5 than 50. Cars will give you the respect of a group, and the courtesy of a human (hopefully!)

Where do you actually live?

In San Francisco, there have been incidents of CM riders hitting cars with their fists, obscence gestures and other uncivil actions. They piss off everyone and how many of those pissed off people will later see a solo cyclist on the road and remember CM?

I live in Chicago. And, just let me say here that I understand the concept of civil disobedience. After all, I grew up in the 60s and have read Thoreau. And I applaud the idea of giving cycling more visibility. But when there is a wanton disregard for the rights of others in the name of “civil disobedience” it’s gone too far. The fact that my last run in with the CMers was due to their running a red light and almost plowing into pedestrians crossing the street goes beyond civil disobedience to selfishness and anarchy. It is mob mentality. Besides, I’d not like to think that I am now more susceptible to abuse by a motorist when I am on my bike because these clowns pissed them off at some point.

Wow! Is it just Monday morning? I usually don’t get this worked up until at least Thursday.

They had a few of these in Atlanta but they were pretty mild - a couple dozen at most, and only taking one lane of a 4-lane road. But I did see one in SF and was amazed at the anarchy. Seems to me, in SF at least, it is an outlet for some of the riders who want an opportunity to simply ride the roads without any controls on them - the group gives them the way to do that anonomously.

Seems to me, in SF at least, it is an outlet for some of the riders who want an opportunity to simply ride the roads without any controls on them<<

Ha ha. In SF (and more likely, Berkeley, but they come into SF), the liberal left has taken over and let anyone with any kind of axe to grind come and run amok. War protests–lots and lots of property damage by a group of anarchists; they also threatened drivers and bus riders and started to drag a woman from a car until saner heads prevailed. Homeless advocates scream foul when store owners and normal SF citizens complain about people crapping in their doorways and aggressive panhandlers getting in the face, spitting on, etc. of tourists and other pedestrians.

Sorry, nothing to do with triathlon.

I agree. I thought that civil disobedience was the act of peacefully but willfully disobeying laws you disagree with. Does critical mass disagree with traffic laws? I think not. Or at least I hope not. If motorists actually followed and respected traffic laws in most states, cycling would improve measurably (i.e. bicycles are legitimate vehicles on the road, it is illegal to throw beer bottles at cyclists heads, etc.). So if your goal is greater compliance with traffic laws for the increased safety and pleasantness of cycling, not sure how much disobeying the same laws gets you. I admit I may be totally confused about both the concept of civil disobedience and the goals of critical mass.