Craving Salt

Is a salt craving a sign of dehydration? I went on a 115mi ride yesterday and had a swim and run workout out today, ever since my ride I can’t seem to eat enough salty foods. I don’t know what it is, but I am craving pretzels, cheez-its, anything with salt.

I am sure I was hydrated, but I have never experienced this before

115mi run yesterday
damn sons.

oops … 115mi ride

Is a salt craving a sign of dehydration? I went on a 115mi ride yesterday and had a swim and run workout out today, ever since my ride I can’t seem to eat enough salty foods. I don’t know what it is, but I am craving pretzels, cheez-its, anything with salt.

I am sure I was hydrated, but I have never experienced this before
At the risk of stating the obvious, drinking a lot is not the same as ingesting enough electrolytes. It’s entirely possible to drink more than enough during your ride, and still end up low on sodium, in fact this happened to me several times before I fiured out what was happening. It sort of felt like a bonk, even though I knew I ate enough calories and drank enough fluids during the ride. I now add a Succeed Capsule to each bottle of Gatorade for added sodium/potassium and I’ve not had a problem since.