Could Normann Beat Macca in a tanning contest?

Both dudes are very tan.

If Normann is half the tone Macca is then I’ll give up. Did you know Macca’s mum was from the islands originally ??

Didn’t think so… keep applying the grease monkey boy.


I’ll take that as a no :wink:

Lube up my sick brother, lube up.

He’s alive!!!

Out of hibernation…cricket season must be over.

norman would have to do a 6 week training block on the sun to beat macca in a tanning contest

Most definitely not. The dude lives in Australia!

Needed that subject line—good laugh for the morning!

It’s an unfair competition. Macca is half Mari (Poloneysian tribe from NZ) from his mother’s side I believe, while Stadler is a striaght up Aryan/WASP. It’s harder for Stadler to get a tan.

Stadler sleeps in a tanning bed instead of an altitude tent.

I vote for Normann. Macca’s exposure to the sun is blocked by the big riders in front of him.

Dunno but jonnyo has no hope in this competition…

LOL! Never underestimate Jonnyo. He just might surprise you.

Or Cam Brown for that matter . . . .