Costco this weekend

Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Costco

   Drove the six hundred.

“Forward, the Shoppers!

Charge for the pies!” he said.

Into the valley of Costco

   Drove the six hundred.


“Forward, the shoppers!”

Was there a man dismayed?

Not though the shopper knew

   Someone had blundered.

   Theirs not to make reply,

   Theirs not to reason why,

   Theirs but to do and die.

   Into the valley of Costco

   Walked the six hundred.

Samples to right of them,

Lost kid to left of them,

Cold section in front of them

   The day before Christmas

Busy as hell,

Boldly they rode and well,

Into the jaws of Death,

Into the mouth of hell

   Rode the six hundred

Well done…

I can smell the chicken bakes. I can feel the slow steady rage building in my veins as the geriatric on a motorized chair slows for another sample of seed crackers. It’s all so vivid in my mind. Good luck to those who choose to venture in to Costco today.

Stay at home, yo. Or, alternatively, use your feet and human engine to power you if you leave home. There can be nothing gained today by shopping.

The Mrs. and I hit the grocery store at 6 AM this morning as they opened the doors. I couldn’t imagine going to Costco or Sam’s this weekend.

We went last night, it was remarkable civilized. Not sure I’d want to go today.

The wife is going to Ikea this morning, I asked her if she’s been drinking…

The wife is going to Ikea this morning, I asked her if she’s been drinking…

It’s hard enough finding your way out sober. Drunk might be like some dystopian nightmare.

My nephew was going to stop at Costco to get something that his wife wanted specifically from Costco. He could not even get into the parking lot so he told her, tough luck.

I tried to start a tradition, to late I guess, and took my 3 daughter (wife didn’t want to go) to the mall on christmass eve, in the afternoon. We actually found it pretty empty, and really good time, some food at food court, girls usually bought a few pieces of clothing, we even went to the strip mall near by, to a nordstrom rack. Agian it was pretty quite.

We did it or 2 or 3 years but then they got older, and off to college, Fiances, boyfriends, other parties, and it fell apart.

Hey but don’t forget to pick up a 12 pack of gold bars too!

Costco’s hottest item isn’t rotisserie chickens. It’s $2,000 gold bars

Can some literary mind please break down the genius of Windy’s poetic form.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Well done…

I can smell the chicken bakes. I can feel the slow steady rage building in my veins as the geriatric on a motorized chair slows for another sample of seed crackers. It’s all so vivid in my mind. Good luck to those who choose to venture in to Costco today.

I arrived at 930 when it opened…the food court wasn’t open yet however. The parking lot was full. I grabbed one of the last spots in the farthest lane.

The Mrs. and I hit the grocery store at 6 AM this morning as they opened the doors. I couldn’t imagine going to Costco or Sam’s this weekend.

The horror the horror?

We went last night, it was remarkable civilized. Not sure I’d want to go today.

The wife is going to Ikea this morning, I asked her if she’s been drinking…

How many people are buying furniture today?

. He could not even get into the parking lot

That was my experience yesterday hence my going today


Flashed all their platinum cards bare,

Flashed as they turned in air

Eating the samples there,

Charging to the butcher, while

   All the world wondered.

Plunged in the cold dairy room

Right through the liquor they broke;

Child and adult

Reeled from the crowd

   Shattered and sundered.

Then they rode back, but not

   Not the six hundred.


Clothes to right of them,

Pharmacy to left of them,

TV section behind them

   Volleyed and thundered;

Stormed at with wine and shell,

While shopper and hero fell.

They that had fought so well

Came through the jaws of Death,

Back from the mouth of hell,

All that was left of them,

   Left of six hundred.


When can their glory fade?

O the wild charge they made!

   All the world wondered.

Honour the charge they made!

Honour the Costco Brigade

   Noble six hundred!

Can some literary mind please break down the genius of Windy’s poetic form.

Inquiring minds want to know.

It’s a modification of the first poem I had to memorize and recite

That was great. Thanks.

We went last night, it was remarkable civilized. Not sure I’d want to go today.

The wife is going to Ikea this morning, I asked her if she’s been drinking…

How many people are buying furniture today?

They sell lots more than furniture.

We went last night, it was remarkable civilized. Not sure I’d want to go today.

The wife is going to Ikea this morning, I asked her if she’s been drinking…

How many people are buying furniture today?

You’re not wrong. Surprisingly (to me) she said it wasn’t bad… I hit a few stores this afternoon, which weren’t terrible but my son went to the mall and said it was nuts…

They continue to figure it out. The fucking hot dog is safe. No one dies today.