Cori Bush lost her primary

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…Maybe that Carville guy is on to something

2/9 squad members have lost primary races and a few more could. These a DEEP democratic strongholds so that should be informative to some people

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…

I can’t imagine why this wasn’t the absolute top of everyone’s list of urgent priority watercooler topics for this morning. Good job bringing this utterly critical breaking news to the LR. Value added as always.

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…

I can’t imagine why this wasn’t the absolute top of everyone’s list of urgent priority watercooler topics for this morning. Good job bringing this utterly critical breaking news to the LR. Value added as always.

Eyeroll emoji

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…Maybe that Carville guy is on to something

2/9 squad members have lost primary races and a few more could. These a DEEP democratic strongholds so that should be informative to some people

So you’re saying that the Democrats move away from the edge while the GOP just says “fuck it” and jumps off. I think we have been telling you that for years.

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…Maybe that Carville guy is on to something

2/9 squad members have lost primary races and a few more could. These a DEEP democratic strongholds so that should be informative to some people

So you’re saying that the Democrats move away from the edge while the GOP just says “fuck it” and jumps off. I think we have been telling you that for years.

One newsworthy thing is the effect of AIPAC in American politics and this particular primary.


Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…Maybe that Carville guy is on to something

2/9 squad members have lost primary races and a few more could. These a DEEP democratic strongholds so that should be informative to some people

So you’re saying that the Democrats move away from the edge while the GOP just says “fuck it” and jumps off. I think we have been telling you that for years.

One newsworthy thing is the effect of AIPAC in American politics and this particular primary.


They have pumped a lot of money into this and the Brown primary. Our campaign financing laws and design are not really set up to handle that.

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…

I can’t imagine why this wasn’t the absolute top of everyone’s list of urgent priority watercooler topics for this morning. Good job bringing this utterly critical breaking news to the LR. Value added as always.

Eyeroll emoji

Yep. That was my exact reaction to seeing your post.

It’s been mentioned at least twice in the last 30m on MSNBC. Does that count?

I’ve never heard her name before today. Must be a real power player.

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…Maybe that Carville guy is on to something

2/9 squad members have lost primary races and a few more could. These a DEEP democratic strongholds so that should be informative to some people

So you’re saying that the Democrats move away from the edge while the GOP just says “fuck it” and jumps off. I think we have been telling you that for years.

One newsworthy thing is the effect of AIPAC in American politics and this particular primary.


They have pumped a lot of money into this and the Brown primary. Our campaign financing laws and design are not really set up to handle that.

I was thinking more FARA and less FEC…

So what?!

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…Maybe that Carville guy is on to something

2/9 squad members have lost primary races and a few more could. These a DEEP democratic strongholds so that should be informative to some people

So you’re saying that the Democrats move away from the edge while the GOP just says “fuck it” and jumps off. I think we have been telling you that for years.

I just hope the current Democratic Nominee took notice

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…Maybe that Carville guy is on to something

2/9 squad members have lost primary races and a few more could. These a DEEP democratic strongholds so that should be informative to some people

I don’t understand. Trump tells me that Dems are radical leftists and getting radicaler by the second.

Are you suggesting that he might not be entirely truthful about this?

Guess a Progressive Leftist losing isn’t newsworthy…Maybe that Carville guy is on to something

2/9 squad members have lost primary races and a few more could. These a DEEP democratic strongholds so that should be informative to some people

I don’t understand. Trump tells me that Dems are radical leftists and getting radicaler by the second.

Are you suggesting that he might not be entirely truthful about this?

I would say his statement is not entirely accurate

Based on her loss, and Brown’s, it seems to be that the lesson here is don’t piss off the Pro-Israel contingent or they will put their money to work against you. This lady is not well known, yet this race became a very expensive battle.

Based on her loss, and Brown’s, it seems to be that the lesson here is don’t piss off the Pro-Israel contingent or they will put their money to work against you. This lady is not well known, yet this race became a very expensive battle.

I agree this is the message. She wasn’t beat out by a conservative democrat because she is too far left. She was beat out by “anyone else” because she pissed of the pro-Israel money. If she would have towed the line on Israel, she would still be in office and ready to go back to Washington.

Upset Israel backed donors at your own peril. Let’s see how that plays out with Harris/Vance and if they stay on the correct side of Israel money, or if they can thread the needle to keep Israel money and Palestine supporters happy at the same time.

Based on her loss, and Brown’s, it seems to be that the lesson here is don’t piss off the Pro-Israel contingent or they will put their money to work against you. This lady is not well known, yet this race became a very expensive battle.

Her district isn’t very Jewish

Based on her loss, and Brown’s, it seems to be that the lesson here is don’t piss off the Pro-Israel contingent or they will put their money to work against you. This lady is not well known, yet this race became a very expensive battle.

I agree this is the message. She wasn’t beat out by a conservative democrat because she is too far left. She was beat out by “anyone else” because she pissed of the pro-Israel money. If she would have towed the line on Israel, she would still be in office and ready to go back to Washington.

Upset Israel backed donors at your own peril. Let’s see how that plays out with Harris/Vance and if they stay on the correct side of Israel money, or if they can thread the needle to keep Israel money and Palestine supporters happy at the same time.


Based on her loss, and Brown’s, it seems to be that the lesson here is don’t piss off the Pro-Israel contingent or they will put their money to work against you. This lady is not well known, yet this race became a very expensive battle.

I agree this is the message. She wasn’t beat out by a conservative democrat because she is too far left. She was beat out by “anyone else” because she pissed of the pro-Israel money. If she would have towed the line on Israel, she would still be in office and ready to go back to Washington.

Upset Israel backed donors at your own peril. Let’s see how that plays out with Harris/Vance and if they stay on the correct side of Israel money, or if they can thread the needle to keep Israel money and Palestine supporters happy at the same time.



When you can’t bring yourself to label Hamas a terrorist group, there are organizations that could use your advocacy more than the United States Congress.

Based on her loss, and Brown’s, it seems to be that the lesson here is don’t piss off the Pro-Israel contingent or they will put their money to work against you. This lady is not well known, yet this race became a very expensive battle.

Her district isn’t very Jewish

So you think she lost because she wasn’t antisemitic enough for today’s left?

With Bowman and Bush losing their primaries perhaps it is time to put to rest the “Democrats are antisemitic” talking point? It never had much validity but now it just sounds silly.