Cops giving tickets to kids for cycling with helmets on

Tickets for free ice cream! It’s good to see this approach rather than the typical punishment method. Thumbs up Ohio


Fireman were giving out t-shirts to kids in Torrance.

That Police department has a pretty good FB page. Brimfield PD. The Chief runs it, seems like an awesome guy.

They used to give a ticket for an ice cream or a coke to people with helmets riding in Michigan’s Metro parks several years ago.

They stopped doing that but helmets are mandatory for cyclists and skaters now.


This is awesome.

Phase two: Beer for adults with helmets on?

They used to give a ticket for an ice cream or a coke to people with helmets riding in Michigan’s Metro parks several years ago.

They stopped doing that but helmets are mandatory for cyclists and skaters now.


But not for motorcycles. Go figure.

Phase two: Beer for adults with helmets on?

There are 2 thing wrong with this pic:

  1. His helmet is not strapped. Not only is this a USAT rules violation, but it also won’t provide adequate support for the beer.
  2. He’s drinking PBR. The helmet was clearly not designed for that type of beer. Now, had he been drinking Milwaukee’s Best or Schlitz, that’s a different story.

(I’d concede the 2nd point as acceptable if, and only if, the PBR was given to him by a man in a monkey suit.)

When I was a kid living in Cheney WA back in the 70’s, the local PD used to give out Seattle Seahawks cards to kids that correctly demonstrated bicycling hand signals. We would seek out different officers in order to collect as many as we could. I’m 42 years old and still have the cards.

I think this is an awesome program.

I agree… PBR is not the best beer on the planet… however, Golden Rule: Never turn down a free beer… regardless of what kind it is. Even if it’s raspberry wheat beer. Period.

Please don’t put the words raspberry wheat beer & period in the same post.

  1. He’s drinking PBR. The helmet was clearly not designed for that type of beer. Now, had he been drinking Milwaukee’s Best or Schlitz, that’s a different story.

(I’d concede the 2nd point as acceptable if, and only if, the PBR was given to him by a man in a monkey suit.)

Would PBR not also be acceptable if he had a beard and rode a fixie?

They used to give a ticket for an ice cream or a coke to people with helmets riding in Michigan’s Metro parks several years ago.

They stopped doing that but helmets are mandatory for cyclists and skaters now.


But not for motorcycles. Go figure.

If you gave motorcyclists ice cream, I bet they would wear their helmets. Don’t let the grizzled Harley tough guy appearance fool you - everybody loves ice cream.

They used to give a ticket for an ice cream or a coke to people with helmets riding in Michigan’s Metro parks several years ago.

They stopped doing that but helmets are mandatory for cyclists and skaters now.


But not for motorcycles. Go figure.

If you gave motorcyclists ice cream, I bet they would wear their helmets. Don’t let the grizzled Harley tough guy appearance fool you - everybody loves ice cream.

That reminds me of the joke:

What’s the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?

The location of the dirtbag :slight_smile:

But what about the obesity?

Ha! I’ve never heard that one before! :slight_smile:

There are 2 thing wrong with this pic:

  1. His helmet is not strapped. Not only is this a USAT rules violation, but it also won’t provide adequate support for the beer.
  2. He’s drinking PBR. The helmet was clearly not designed for that type of beer. Now, had he been drinking Milwaukee’s Best or Schlitz, that’s a different story.

(I’d concede the 2nd point as acceptable if, and only if, the PBR was given to him by a man in a monkey suit.)

Nope - I am pretty sure any in-race service provided by a man in a monkey suit is deemed as outside assistance now.

I live in the SF Bay Area. Our local department started doing this as well. Live it my kid wants to ride more.

Somebody say ice cream? Let’s take a break and watch Eddie Murphy in “Ice Cream”.

Phase two: Beer for adults with helmets on?

There are 2 thing wrong with this pic:

  1. His helmet is not strapped. Not only is this a USAT rules violation, but it also won’t provide adequate support for the beer.
  2. He’s drinking PBR. The helmet was clearly not designed for that type of beer. Now, had he been drinking Milwaukee’s Best or Schlitz, that’s a different story.

(I’d concede the 2nd point as acceptable if, and only if, the PBR was given to him by a man in a monkey suit.)

Don’t take this the wrong way (I’m not coming on to you or insulting you) - but I would rather drink your piss than any of those beers. :stuck_out_tongue: