i think this subject has been broached many times, but i’m unable to pinpoint any prior threads. is a 1/2IM (“B” race) too much from which to recover 4 weeks before an IM (“A” race and my first full IM). i’ve got IMUSA on july 27th and contemplating a practice race at Tinman half-iron at Tupper Lake on june 28th. if i treat it as a training session–medium to moderate HR–will there be an detrimental effects on my final four-week taper? i’d venture to say this wouldn’t be a problem, but i’m looking for more sound advice.
go over to www.cruciblefitness.com, and read mr. strauss’s bullet points on the topic in the forum. interesting ideas. . . . .
great link… thanks! (i knew it existed somewhere)
I’m going to go against much of whats posted on crucible and say go ahead and do the 1/2. Why? First you would probably end up training 5-7hrs that day anyway. Might as well make it a thrshold training day. 2. The 1/2 will be at a higher intensity and if you schedule an easy bit after the race you should be recovered. 3. It will be a good dry run for IM to work out transition kinks, hydration, pacing etc. Things that training can do but not duplicate like a race. How many times have you practiced transitions at home or grabbed an extra glass of water or did something for 5-10 min before going out for your brick. Can’t do that in a race. 4. I personally love to race and feel that racing makes me fitter by forcing me to go beyond what I would normally do in training. I also think many people under race during the season when focusing on an IM. I can name several friends who focus on an entire year on an IM and do 1-2 other races all year. Racing teaches you things training never can. I might be able to run 10miles in 62 min but would hate to find out in the half that I couldn’t stay near 7:15pace. I’d wonder why and try to correct things before the full. Just my .02 worth. Best of luck in what ever you do
Hmmm, I think doing a 1/2 1 month before IMUSA is a good idea but don’t neglect your other training. Do it for what it is: Preperation. Don’t get carried away.
I disagree. I can race a hlaf at my lactate threshold. If I or anyone else tried to do that in and IM they would blow up by the special needs area and DNF. Ironman is a totally different race than a half. During Wisconsin I came through the 56 mile marker on the bike and said to myself “self, a 1/2 IM is like a sprint compared to this!” They should really come up with another name for the 1/2 distence becasue throwing that IM onto the end of it is somewhat decieving. The pace in a half is not even close to a full. You’d be better off training that day for 6 hrs, really getting a feel for IM nutrition, which is different than half nutrition. I can finish a half running on fumes, in an IM I would be in the aid tent by the 80 mile mark. Nutrition and pacing are the key to a strong IM, and you can’t get these at 1/2 IM pace.
hey golferboy!!
im in the same situ as you… i am going to do tinman then follow up with lake placid… my thinking is that 1 month is enough recovery between the two races… is it ideal … no… is it enough time for me to justify the fact that i enjoy doing the races as a culmination of my training… yes… i suppose you have to weigh your goals and decide how “a” is lake placid and how “b” is tupper lake… i believe the bike courses to be somewhat similar, and i would prefer to have at least a couple of race day run thrus before the BIG day… im doing st. croix as well on may 4…
sharing more of my advice/personal weaknesses, it also isnt a good idea to do a marathon on 8 weeks training (though i had a season long base) but im so glad i did it for the experience.
i vote you do both!! introduce yourself at tupper lake so we can discuss whether we made the right decision or not at lake placid
good luck
My $0.02 is to do the half. Four weeks is plenty of time to recover if you’re in ironman training mode. I just wouldn’t taper very much for the half and use it as a really hard training day.
THe local long course used to be held every year 4 weeks out from the Uastralian IM and most competitors did it. Now that the half has been moved to November a quite a few of the more competitive athlete do a race simulation either 3 or four weeks out. They pretty much do a 2km swim (then wait for the last person - which isnt long as all pretty good) then 100km ride then 21 km run all fairly hard but not even IM race pace (well sections over but definitly not above on average). The competitors in this “race” always do very well in Im Australia". So if you think you can hold yourself back as though you were doing a trainig session then go for it otherwise you are probably better off doing a training session.