Conspiracy Revealed - Talbot, pull some Slowtwitch strings

Is it just me, or has the Lionel thread been deleted or relegated with the introduction of this new format? (insert conspiracy theory here)
Since it was my 1st Fitspeek interview with Sanders, I was going to promo it on the Lionel thread. To save all of us screen thread fatigue, I was gonna post it there. But in it’s absence (real or imagined) a shameless plug is in order. Lionel speeks…on Fitspeek.
My apologies in advance as I am required to do as living N of the 49th.

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In case you haven’t noticed about 90% of old threads are still missing.

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To be fair, it’s literally 90% of the threads that had been posted in on Wednesday and Thursday (plus DM history from about 2014 onward).

The Lionel thread shall return.


The Lionel thread vanishes and a new Triathlon Taren thread starts…and people wonder why I think things have all gone to shit around here…

Freakin Bizzarro World,who knows,at this rate I might actually get laid…and where the hell is the pink font !?!

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The Lionel thread is back.

Pink font requires some add ons to the platform. On the list.

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Almost all is well in the kingdom tonight.