Congratulations To Trump on winning the debate.........(not so funny now)

I think it’s quite reasonable at this point in the debate to declare Trump the winner.

I have to say his eloquence and athleticism were awe inspiring.
Seldom in my life have I listened with such rapt attention to someone with his level of erudition.
His generosity and manners during the debate are…beyond debate.
A man every American, especially servicemen, can respect.
What a mensch.

I doubt there is a Republican on here that would have done better and certainly none that would disagree.
They will remember this as though it happened tomorrow…yesterday…whenever.

There I fixed it for you

I think it’s quite reasonable at this point in the debate to declare Trump the winner.

I have to say his eloquence and athleticism were awe inspiring.
Seldom in my life have I listened with such rapt attention to someone with his level of erudition.
His generosity and manners during the debate are…beyond debate.
A man every American, especially servicemen, can respect.
What a mensch.

I doubt there is a Republican on here that would have done better and certainly none that would disagree.
They will remember this as though it happened tomorrow…yesterday…whenever.

He was very Presidential.

Was this posted by the Supreme Court too?

I think it’s quite reasonable at this point in the debate to declare Trump the winner.

I have to say his eloquence and athleticism were awe inspiring.
Seldom in my life have I listened with such rapt attention to someone with his level of erudition.
His generosity and manners during the debate are…beyond debate.
A man every American, especially servicemen, can respect.
What a mensch.

I doubt there is a Republican on here that would have done better and certainly none that would disagree.
They will remember this as though it happened tomorrow…yesterday…whenever.

If you were going for a riff on Gilbert & Sullivan, you need to work on your rhyme and meter.

I am the very model of a modern-day Republican…

NY Times Pitchbot is that you?

I think it’s quite reasonable at this point in the debate to declare Trump the winner.

I have to say his eloquence and athleticism were awe inspiring.
Seldom in my life have I listened with such rapt attention to someone with his level of erudition.
His generosity and manners during the debate are…beyond debate.
A man every American, especially servicemen, can respect.
What a mensch.

I doubt there is a Republican on here that would have done better and certainly none that would disagree.
They will remember this as though it happened tomorrow…yesterday…whenever.

I was especially impressed at the number of men - large men, with big muscles - going up to Trump at the press conference after the debate with tears in their eyes saying “Sir, sir… I can’t believe how well you did in that debate”.

Just truly inspirational leadership, right there.

I saw some quotes from Trump from 2016… stop if you’ve heard these before…

“Hillary must do a drug test before the debate”

“Anderson Cooper is a biased moderator”

And from 2020…

“Joe Biden must agree to a drug test before the debate”

I saw some quotes from Trump from 2016… stop if you’ve heard these before…

“Hillary must do a drug test before the debate”

“Anderson Cooper is a biased moderator”

And from 2020…

“Joe Biden must agree to a drug test before the debate”

And here is where we see the brilliance of Trump: It does not matter if it is true, or if it is even believable. What matters is giving the faithful something very simple that they can repeat, that makes them feel like winners, that they can say to “trigger the libs.” Just feed them a line and get out of the way. They will repeat it back into the echo chamber and will be affirmed and will feel good, and smart.

I saw some quotes from Trump from 2016… stop if you’ve heard these before…

“Hillary must do a drug test before the debate”

“Anderson Cooper is a biased moderator”

And from 2020…

“Joe Biden must agree to a drug test before the debate”

This one always seems to fit the bill:


Well it is now, time to congratulate Trump on his win.

And congratulate America for losing. When Trump wins, America is guaranteed to lose.

I’ll give Trump has stronger voice for sure. I think Biden either has acid reflux screwing up his vocal cords or he doesn’t use his voice enough to keep it working.

Almost every answer Trump gave was about immigration. Didn’t he kill Lankford led bipartisan bill? The format much better than previous formats when you have a candidate like Trump, who butts in all the time. Shame Jeb or Kasich didn’t prevail in 2016.

As my post was strictly for fun, because a Trump win is not funny, I will now delete my original post.

Trump winning or losing makes not the slightest difference to my life, I have lived through14 Presidents, the same number of Prime Ministers (here in Canukistan) and god knows how many in the UK (my origin), not to mention the likes of General De Gaulle. So it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, I won’t be bothered to go to his funeral either, but any American of conscience must be appalled at the prospect of this “Dictator for a Day” coward returning to power.