Conceal Carry Recommendations

Anyone conceal and carry while out training on the bike ? What holster/gun combo are you using and how are you keeping it from moving around ?

I usually save that for the motor bike

Just load it and put it down your shorts. I put mine in under my wetsuit so I don’t have to waste time in transition.

Springfield XDS

What about the holster ?

Anyone conceal and carry while out training on the bike ? What holster/gun combo are you using and how are you keeping it from moving around ?

Is it April already?

well, actually i used to ride with a group which had a weapon carrier, and he had it in a fanny pack. why did he have it? he biked to work on a bike path along a riverbed which had a history of gang bangers assaulting bikers. according to reports of such in the papers, the assailants would physically knock over a biker, hurt him/her, and then abscond with the bike. i hasten to add that i never saw this fellow’s weapon, and he certainly had no need of it where our group rode, but he rode that bike path to get to the start of our ride.

I have a related question:

Where is the most aerodynamic place to put a handgun on my bike? I’m thinking between the arms, meaning I could use it without having to leave the aero position.

I’m sure there are lots of scenarios depending on where one trains, either riding or running. Being proactive is never a bad idea.

I’m sure there are lots of scenarios depending on where one trains, either riding or running. Being proactive is never a bad idea.

Avoiding areas where you think you need a gun for protection is never a bad idea either.

Absolutely, couldn’t agree more, however these days, you never know.

I’m sure there are lots of scenarios depending on where one trains, either riding or running. Being proactive is never a bad idea.

Being intelligently proactive is never a bad idea.

I’m sure there are lots of scenarios depending on where one trains, either riding or running. Being proactive is never a bad idea.

Avoiding areas where you think you need a gun for protection is never a bad idea either.

X2. And likewise, don’t live anyplace where you end up looking like “Frozen Snot Guy” from Minnesota featured on the front page of ST :wink:

The only local cycling group I know for sure are packing heat is a group of cops training together.

Yeah change your route if you think you need a gun.

I have behind the saddle holsters then pull those bad boys out in t2 just run with them in my hands

I have a related question:

Where is the most aerodynamic place to put a handgun on my bike? I’m thinking between the arms, meaning I could use it without having to leave the aero position.
I’ve been wondering how long it will be before the UCI and all of the manufacturers agree on some standard for guns and holsters. I don’t want to get something that is going to be out of date in a few years.

A big can of pepper spray might be more useful in some situations. Unless you’re confronted with deadly force, you can’t use your firearm. Confronted by six street thugs, I think I might rather have a pepper spray fogger than a gun.

Yeah pepper spray will stop 6 guys with mal intent…

I’d look into either a pocket-type holster or maybe a sneaky pete. Back pocket of cycling jersey or jacket and you’re good to go. Just make sure you maintain your gun’s finish. Use common sense and be safe out there.

what ever way you find to carry it…please, stay away from canada!!! no need for weapon up north! we dont like guns!

Yeah pepper spray will stop 6 guys with mal intent…

I’d look into either a pocket-type holster or maybe a sneaky pete. Back pocket of cycling jersey or jacket and you’re good to go. Just make sure you maintain your gun’s finish. Use common sense and be safe out there.

Well, I guess you might wound a couple with a little pocket .380. One might even bleed to death in a hour. Unless they were armed though, you’ll be needing a good attorney. If they’re carrying a real gun, (9mm +, 357, even a 38) though, a mortician will be more useful to you. As far as the efficacy of pepper spray, it’s very effective. Five years ago on my bike I used a big fogger can on four guys intent on relieving me of my wallet. One good fog was enough to convince them to leave me alone. I’ve used it on a couple of dogs as well. Don’t get me wrong, a firearm has its place, (I own several) but you need to know when and where it can be useful.

Recommendation: sub-compact SA or Glock 9mm, small of the back holster, along with the pepper spray fogger. If I had to pick only one, I’d carry the fogger.