Comrades, have you been to a grocery store lately?

Tucker Carlson visits a Russian grocery store.

My son is in Spain right now and can’t get over how much cheaper food is there, both eating out and the grocery.

I have no idea why that would be the case, but that’s what he’s finding.

Fucker Carlson on Twitter? Is that better or worse than Fucker Carlson on Fox News? What do you think, noodle?

This Fucker Carlson post is not propaganda. No. There’s no reason Russia and Fucker Carlson would hope to improve Russia’s image and cause Americans to feel envy or dissatisfaction. There’s no reason for us to doubt the truthfulness of this report from Fox News’ former employee, Fucker Carlson, who was fired because he was a lying sack of shit and helped the company lose $787 MILLION.

I appreciate the complete oversight of what the average income is… Average annual income in Russia is less than $15,000 USD… Which means you would be spending 1/3 of your income on food.

I appreciate the complete oversight of what the average income is… Average annual income in Russia is less than $15,000 USD… Which means you would be spending 1/3 of your income on food.

Specifically, more than 60% of Russians spend half their income on food.

The Red hats here dont have the computational power to figure out that Russians pay way more for food than we do, because there is math involved. So Tucker’s one number is easy for them to digest, get angry about, and continue to support the Russian collaborator running for office here…

Fucker Carlson on Twitter? Is that better or worse than Fucker Carlson on Fox News? What do you think, noodle?

This Fucker Carlson post is not propaganda. No. There’s no reason Russia and Fucker Carlson would hope to improve Russia’s image and cause Americans to feel envy or dissatisfaction. There’s no reason for us to doubt the truthfulness of this report from Fox News’ former employee, Fucker Carlson, who was fired because he was a lying sack of shit and helped the company lose $787 MILLION.

Dear gun loving MAGAs. Come to mother Russia. Streets are clean, food is cheap. Plus you get to experience being thrown into the Ukrainian meat grinder.

Absolutely not my observation when in France and Italy this past summer. Some things like wine, yes cheaper, but just normal groceries were similar prices or more expensive.

Eating out at a “decent” restaurant was also more expensive. Heck the one time the kids had fast food was also much more expensive.

My son is in Spain right now and can’t get over how much cheaper food is there, both eating out and the grocery.

I have no idea why that would be the case, but that’s what he’s finding.

The unemployment rate in Spain is about 12%. That can help suppress demand and cost of goods. Also, the dollar is relatively strong against the Euro.

My son is in Spain right now and can’t get over how much cheaper food is there, both eating out and the grocery.

I have no idea why that would be the case, but that’s what he’s finding.
When I travel to developed countries i never really notice a difference in most food prices. Things have been a little cheaper recently when the dollar was very strong. Other things are more locally priced like beef. but for the most part I feel like I spend about the same on food wherever I go. Though I don’t really consider Russia a developed country anymore.

There are other things besides food like a day in Tokyo Disneyland is less than half the cost of a day in California Disneyland. CNN did just have an article about how much cheaper it is to ski in Europe. Skiing in the US does seem to have gotten out of hand. Yet buying a car or gas is much more in other countries.

will Russia keep him? please?

will Russia keep him? please?

Don’t we have some CIA op there, someone that the Kremlin knows to be a CIA op, who can approach Tucker in a public place, shake hands in a way where it looks like information is being passed, and then thank him profusely? I know, I’ve seen too many movies. But can’t we at least try?

will Russia keep him? please?
A dream come true. Alas, the useful idiot should be careful around windows, and food. If, he should ever deign to enlighten us to the true joys of life in Russia.

I guess we may have to have him as a useful idiot to Trump.
Oh joy.

I appreciate the complete oversight of what the average income is… Average annual income in Russia is less than $15,000 USD… Which means you would be spending 1/3 of your income on food.Specifically, more than 60% of Russians spend half their income on food.

And Jon Stewart addresses this in the most hilarious way possible:

“Tucker’s Journalism Masterclass”

You beat me to the post. What a take down.

At one point (Crossfire?) he was at least (supposedly) trying to be objective.

I REALLY don’t get what the play is here. Does the Right really prefer Authoritative (ie heading toward dictatorship)?

FFS, Reagan must be rolling over in his grave, and I wasn’t a huge fan of his.

You beat me to the post. What a take down.

At one point (Crossfire?) he was at least (supposedly) trying to be objective.

I REALLY don’t get what the play is here. Does the Right really prefer Authoritative (ie heading toward dictatorship)?

FFS, Reagan must be rolling over in his grave, and I wasn’t a huge fan of his.

When the majority of the people aren’t buying what you’re selling, especially young people, it’s kind of the only option. It just so happens they’ve found a leader who would like nothing more than to turn the country into a mafiosa like kleptocracy like his idol has done in Russia.

We’re a global firm and relocating to US from Europe gets a cost of living rise.

My brother was in US for 3 weeks with family last summer and his observation was the cost of eating out over Europe where he vacations and lives was significantly higher.

Eating out in a good restaurant in France for us outside of Paris is 70-80 euros plus for 4 including wine up to whatever you want to spend.

We’re a global firm and relocating to US from Europe gets a cost of living rise.

My brother was in US for 3 weeks with family last summer and his observation was the cost of eating out over Europe where he vacations and lives was significantly higher.

Eating out in a good restaurant in France for us outside of Paris is 70-80 euros plus for 4 including wine up to whatever you want to spend.

We’ve been in Spain for a few days. It certainly seems like the basic foods are less expensive here, croissants, sandwiches from shops, etc. Eating out also seems less expensive, maybe 10-20%?

When we were in Italy I forgot about converting from euros to Canadian so I thought I was paying $17.00 for a plate of pasta when 17 euro is $24.00 Canadian. A lot more expensive than restaurants here.

I REALLY don’t get what the play is here. Does the Right really prefer Authoritative (ie heading toward dictatorship)?

Stewart is a national treasure.

I think the more out there the fringe left becomes, the more appealing someone like Putin appears to the right. What’s better, chaos or order? Rapid change with unintended consequence or stability? I think a lot of people gravitate towards the latter in fear of the former.

Watching the tucker videos, before even watching Stewart’s response, I drew some of the same comparisons as Stewart. In the early 2000’s there were a few alternative journalists/travel shows who went on government approved propaganda tours of DPRK and showed nearly the identical things tucker showcased about russia. Impressive and impeccably clean subways, fully stocked grocery stores. A safe, orderly society. Only they had the balls to point out that the rest of that society is a far cry from the polished facade on display.

I have no idea what Tucker’s internal motivations are, or if they even extend beyond making money doing what he does best: being a completely biased shill. He just seems so soulless. He reminds me of Ann Coulter back in her prime.