Comrades, are you not up in arms at the heartless and probably racist position of the mayor?

That’s right comrades, Mayor Breed of the People’s Republic of San Francisco wants to require drug addicts receiving welfare to be in rehab.

Remember when we went to the gates with pitchforks and torches when this was suggested 20 years ago. The call to arms has gone out again…throw down your Kale Chia smoothies and sprint from your restorative yoga class to your Tesla (purchased before Musk went off the deep end)

That’s pretty cruel to make them give up their crack and meth in order to get welfare.

That’s pretty cruel to make them give up their crack and meth in order to get welfare.
Totally agree, dude.
Next thing you know, they’ll want 'em off herion, oxy or Chinese fentanol, or, heaven forbid, that special elixir Trank. I mean seriously who doesn’t like trank?

That’s pretty cruel to make them give up their crack and meth in order to get welfare.
Totally agree, dude.
Next thing you know, they’ll want 'em off herion, oxy or Chinese fentanol, or, heaven forbid, that special elixir Trank. I mean seriously who doesn’t like trank?

Do a lot of trank and the benefit is you no longer need sunscreen when out in the sun as you won’t have anymore skin or limbs. Win/win for those folks.

Is Chinese Fentanol better than Mexican or Italian Fentanol? I like Chinese food but prefer Mexican and Italian, wondering if their Fentanol is better?

That’s right comrades, Mayor Breed of the People’s Republic of San Francisco wants to require drug addicts receiving welfare to be in rehab.

Remember when we went to the gates with pitchforks and torches when this was suggested 20 years ago. The call to arms has gone out again…throw down your Kale Chia smoothies and sprint from your restorative yoga class to your Tesla (purchased before Musk went off the deep end)

and before a bunch of angry, bleeding-heart liberals jump in here: all windy wants is a thoughtful, sincere discussion. shame on you in advance for questioning his motives.

Well, they will just come to Vancouver. Everything is free for druggies here.

Will their rehab tuition be deducted from their welfare check? Will they still be allowed to defecate in public?

That’s right comrades, Mayor Breed of the People’s Republic of San Francisco wants to require drug addicts receiving welfare to be in rehab.

Remember when we went to the gates with pitchforks and torches when this was suggested 20 years ago. The call to arms has gone out again…throw down your Kale Chia smoothies and sprint from your restorative yoga class to your Tesla (purchased before Musk went off the deep end)

This place is the worst left wing circle jerk ever. What happened to us?

Will their rehab tuition be deducted from their welfare check? Will they still be allowed to defecate in public?

Are you kidding, this is SF, their city flag should have a picture of a pile of crap on the sidewalk. Defecating in public is a pass time.

That’s right comrades, Mayor Breed of the People’s Republic of San Francisco wants to require drug addicts receiving welfare to be in rehab.

Remember when we went to the gates with pitchforks and torches when this was suggested 20 years ago. The call to arms has gone out again…throw down your Kale Chia smoothies and sprint from your restorative yoga class to your Tesla (purchased before Musk went off the deep end)

2nd post of yours, since I went Slowtwitch posting free… yeah I know I am back… for a short while.

Can I make a challenge to you?

How about this year, you try a friendlier method of posting?

You could have said, Hey my liberal friends, what do you think of the San Fran mayors new “old” idea on requiring drug addicts to receive welfare to be in rehab.

(the other one was your dumb post about death penalty – where you were informed just cause one person says yes, does not mean they represent the whole anti-death penalty side.)

Anyhow, don’t expect anything to change from you, but maybe just maybe, you will at least pause for 1/1000 th of a second to consider being a nicer human being.

That’s right comrades, Mayor Breed of the People’s Republic of San Francisco wants to require drug addicts receiving welfare to be in rehab.

Remember when we went to the gates with pitchforks and torches when this was suggested 20 years ago. The call to arms has gone out again…throw down your Kale Chia smoothies and sprint from your restorative yoga class to your Tesla (purchased before Musk went off the deep end)

2nd post of yours, since I went Slowtwitch posting free… yeah I know I am back… for a short while.

Can I make a challenge to you?

How about this year, you try a friendlier method of posting?

You could have said, Hey my liberal friends, what do you think of the San Fran mayors new “old” idea on requiring drug addicts to receive welfare to be in rehab.

(the other one was your dumb post about death penalty – where you were informed just cause one person says yes, does not mean they represent the whole anti-death penalty side.)

Anyhow, don’t expect anything to change from you, but maybe just maybe, you will at least pause for 1/1000 th of a second to consider being a nicer human being.

What’s unfriendly about my post? It’s nicer than pointing out the absolutely unrelenting hypocrisy of the fucking Left in no uncertain terms, isn’t it?

FFS people.

It’s spelled heroin, tranq, and fentanyl.

And “past time.”

Windy lies about Liberals all the time.

Saying a lie doesn’t make it true.

I think poking windy in his big belly would be more fun than hearing any more of his lies. Maybe he’s like the Pillsbury guy and he needs a boop in the belly? Shut your pie-hole, windy. It’s boop time!