Computrainer (29)

I finally lashed out and bought a Magene power meter to race with but when I used it with my computrainer, the computrainer was reading approx 30W higher than the Magene around 200W. From all reviews the Magene is supposed to be pretty accurate and reasonably priced, so I took it that the Computrainer was out of calibration. Even if the Magene was out a bit, I needed to know “my numbers” were the same training and racing, so I wanted to adjust the computrainer, rather than the Magene.

Years ago I posted the problem about the accuracy of the computrainer,

Andrew Coggan kindly answered me. There is a small white potentiometer adjuster in the computrainer body that allows you to adjust the computrainer wattage. What I didn’t know was which way to turn it. Now I do.

Rotating the potentiometer clockwise reduces the computrainer reading. Rotating it counter-clockwise increases the wattage. Only very small moves are required. The potentiometer is a single turn from all on to all off.

They now match up well, but of course my FTP/CP has dropped 30W from what I thought it was, which is definitely an ego blow.

Hope this helps all the diehards like me still using “The Tank”.

I still use my Computrainer, the power it displays has always been high. At least 10%.

I just use the reading on my power meter instead.