Compression gear at Eagleman?

Is it true that all compression gear was banned at the Eagleman 70.3?



Does anyone know if that is that going to be a permanent thing at all WTC/Ironman events? I thought that possibility was not going to be established until next year. That kind of sucks.

I wasn’t at Eagleman but compression was banned during the swim at IMTX. Was it banned completely at Eagleman or just during the swim?

Compression wear may not be worn DURING nonwetsuit
swims, but may be worn upon completion of
the swim.

Sorry for the n00b question, but why the ban? What’s so bad about compression gear?

I wasn’t at Eagleman but what I heard was all compression gear including shorts were banned for the entire event.

AFAIK compression socks, sleeves, etc. are not allowed in any WTC nonwetsuit swim. You have always been allowed to put those items on in T1 though.

Awesome news banning compression! Now we can just look like idiots in our aero lids, although I must admit that Caroline Steffen does look great in compression gear. Jimmy are you really banning this? I suggest that it be banned for everyone except her. Everyone agree?

I talked to come folks from TriColumbia before the race and the message came down Saturday morning from WTC.

Allegedly some people were popped with bubble wrap under calf sleeves at Kona 70.3.

Also odd was that pros could wear wetsuits yesteday! I thought their water temperature limit was lower than that of the AG masses.


What about compression tri shorts? Doesn’t Zoot, 2XU and a few other companies make compression shorts for tris?

One of the reasons is because it covers up your age. For age groupers competing for something, knowing the age of the person that you are passing or is passing you is important.

Sorry for the n00b question, but why the ban? What’s so bad about compression gear?

Was it banned for the entire race or just the swim portion?

Perhaps for safety reasons (i.e., jellyfish). I wasn’t out there yesterday, but have done that race when there were lots of jellyfish.

Also odd was that pros could wear wetsuits yesteday! I thought their water temperature limit was lower than that of the AG masses.


They announced a race wide ban, but some folks still wore it out there on the bike and run. No idea what happened there.


Compression shorts were banned. This word came straight from the WTC official who was field questions during the announcement. I still saw many people who were in compression shorts during the race. Not sure if any got caught.

I really think it’s a personal preference thing for Jimmy Riccotello. He even chimed in on this previously on ST. I have worn knee-high compression socks for every US National and ITU Age World Championship and it has nothing to do with being able to write an age for Age Groupers to know where they’re placing on the course. You can easily, easily write the age on the back side of the knee–race officials have done it for me every time without any problem of seeing it from behind.

Jimmy even Twittered about it, I called him out on it, he actually took the time to look into ME and commented about it, and then was kinda defensive back on ST.

One of the reasons is because it covers up your age. For age groupers competing for something, knowing the age of the person that you are passing or is passing you is important.

Sorry for the n00b question, but why the ban? What’s so bad about compression gear?

define “Compression”

I don’t think you can find a tri suit out there that provides no compression. Spandex=tight fitting=compression. If they want to ban “compression gear” they need to define a mmHg level of pressure that is illegal.

My CEP trisuit is technically compression gear…but so is every tri suit out there…its just a matter of degree.

I spoke to the USAT official yesterday morning to confirm the announcement. No compression gear at all in the race, swim, bike or run. The official said that it was not a USAT rule rather a WTC rule and that on Friday when they downloaded the updated rules, it was there. So obviously something new. I’d like to understand why the ban. Arm coolers are ok even though they provide compression? This is getting nuts if you ask me.

I was at the race course meeting on Saturday when they made the announcement. A lot of people were upset by this. I remember some guy saying he did 20+ races like this and never heard of the compression rule. Either way, compression wasn’t going to help with dealing with the brutal heat yesterday!

Compression shorts were banned. This word came straight from the WTC official who was field questions during the announcement. I still saw many people who were in compression shorts during the race. Not sure if any got caught.

Yes, because a WTC offcial should easily be able to tell the difference between bike shorts and compression shorts.

I have no strong opinion either way on compression gear but it sounds like a stupid rule. Another reason for me to never race a WTC event.