We have seen instances of this come up with some top AG or B/C Level Pro men who are similar in fitness speed to their high ranking Pro wives. What would you call that? How would you referee it? If they are both “racing”, other than them keeping within the rules ( not drafting off of one another, in particular) what could you do?
Back in the recreational masses the use of Pace Bunny’s in big Marathon races has become common-place.
I see this quite often in my part of the pack, running and tri/du. I had to yell at a couple repeatedly at the Toronto tri/du because they were riding side by side and blocking me, with the guy on the outside. I would go around them, they would catch me, and the male would stay on the left of the woman, blocking me again. I finally got ahead of them but it was extremely frustrating, and there were no officials around at that time.
The challenge is, in what part of the pack is it ok? If I’m a masters woman in a local 10km around here, 47 minutes is a pretty good time, so I’m going to be pissed if there is a guy pacing his wife to a 46 and bumping me off of the W40-49 podium. But to others, that would be considered the middle of the pack, and wouldn’t think it was a big deal.
At the same time, I have frequently drafted off of guys (unbeknownst to them), in running races with a head wind, and then once we turn out of the wind, I go ahead of them. I’ve gained a benefit over the women behind me who maybe don’t know about drafting. I have the benefit of my cycling knowledge and being only 5’2" behind larger men, so I know how much difference it can make. Is that unfair?
and I think Pace Bunnys are great. I have a friend who routinely paces at the 2:45 half and 5:30 full marathon pace. I did a 2:45 run/walk with her and her group at the Mississauga marathon a few years ago and I was moved to tears at several points, by the gratitude shown by her group, most of whom were hitting PBs at that pace and never thought they could break 3 hrs.
Lots to think about here…