
I hope everyone has stocked up on food and supplies and has mentally prepared for the anguish and civilization collapse that is sure to come overnight as we execute the annual horror that is the Fall daylight savings time shift. In the morning, please remember that if you need to talk to someone, mental health professionals are standing by to take your call.

Stay strong.

I hope everyone has stocked up on food and supplies and has mentally prepared for the anguish and civilization collapse that is sure to come overnight as we execute the annual horror that is the Fall daylight savings time shift. In the morning, please remember that if you need to talk to someone, mental health professionals are standing by to take your call.

Stay strong.

Facepalm…got up at 3 like I usually do only to come here and find out it wasn’t 3…

I hope everyone has stocked up on food and supplies and has mentally prepared for the anguish and civilization collapse that is sure to come overnight as we execute the annual horror that is the Fall daylight savings time shift. In the morning, please remember that if you need to talk to someone, mental health professionals are standing by to take your call.

Stay strong.

Facepalm…got up at 3 like I usually do only to come here and find out it wasn’t 3…

Yeah ignorance is bliss. Somehow missed this was even happening. Only realized when I looked at my phone and realized time had gone backward.

Dumbest idea ever, but as soon as I reset the stove and microwave clocks I was over it.

Dumbest idea ever, but as soon as I reset the stove and microwave clocks I was over it.

I don’t understand why it riles people so much. What is the objection to it?

I like it getting light earlier since I usually ride at daylight, if I’m going for a ride.

Dumbest idea ever, but as soon as I reset the stove and microwave clocks I was over it.

I don’t understand why it riles people so much. What is the objection to it?

I like it getting light earlier since I usually ride at daylight, if I’m going for a ride.

I lived in AZ for 4 years, where they do not participate in this silly practice and some how people there keep on keeping on just fine. The concept just seems ridiculous, an attempt by man to try and control mother nature. That’s my mini-rant/opinion.

Most important clock to reset is the coffee maker to not mess up autostart.

Had to reset 4 antique clocks, going back hate it…as well as waking up at 4:45.

Dumbest idea ever, but as soon as I reset the stove and microwave clocks I was over it.

I don’t understand why it riles people so much. What is the objection to it?

I like it getting light earlier since I usually ride at daylight, if I’m going for a ride.

I lived in AZ for 4 years, where they do not participate in this silly practice and some how people there keep on keeping on just fine. The concept just seems ridiculous, an attempt by man to try and control mother nature. That’s my mini-rant/opinion.
exactly, the fall back is not so terrible it is the stupid spring ahead one that is terrible. Stay with standard time…ie the fall winter time and forget the stupid idea that somehow changing the clock will “save daylight”. There, that feels better rant over!

I hope everyone has stocked up on food and supplies and has mentally prepared for the anguish and civilization collapse that is sure to come overnight as we execute the annual horror that is the Fall daylight savings time shift. In the morning, please remember that if you need to talk to someone, mental health professionals are standing by to take your call.

Stay strong.

Facepalm…got up at 3 like I usually do only to come here and find out it wasn’t 3…

Did you realize before or after your light meditation, cold plunge, journaling and 90mins on the treadmill?

Dumbest idea ever, but as soon as I reset the stove and microwave clocks I was over it.

I don’t understand why it riles people so much. What is the objection to it?

I like it getting light earlier since I usually ride at daylight, if I’m going for a ride.

I lived in AZ for 4 years, where they do not participate in this silly practice and some how people there keep on keeping on just fine. The concept just seems ridiculous, an attempt by man to try and control mother nature. That’s my mini-rant/opinion.

Nothing to do with attempts to control nature. Quite the opposite really. Nature is the constant. It’s about changing periods of human activity to fit around nature.

Most important clock to reset is the coffee maker to not mess up autostart.

I reset mine, except I set it an hour ahead by accident, not back. I woke up to the smell of coffee brewing and assumed it must be a reasonable hour. I went downstairs where the coffee pot said it was just after 7:00am, my watch, which had not automatically updated, told me it was 6:00am and my phone told me it was 5:00am.

Dumbest idea ever, but as soon as I reset the stove and microwave clocks I was over it.

I don’t understand why it riles people so much. What is the objection to it?

I like it getting light earlier since I usually ride at daylight, if I’m going for a ride.

I lived in AZ for 4 years, where they do not participate in this silly practice and some how people there keep on keeping on just fine. The concept just seems ridiculous, an attempt by man to try and control mother nature. That’s my mini-rant/opinion.

Just having clocks itself is probably more of an attempt to control nature. We could just get up when the sun does and go to bed when it goes down . Or something like that. Supper when the sun goes down breakfast at sunup.

My oldest was in his final of four HS theater productions last night, wrapped up late, so driving back to the farm got me home just after 1am. My wife was on the couch with her ipad and phone, on overnight call for the hospitalist group after a brutal day with all three kids on tilt. I had to break it to her that her shift was in fact an hour longer than she had anticipated, which, if you’ve ever gone into a health care night shift on no sleep and frayed, is in fact the equivalent of an emotional apocalypse.

It’s also policy for their group to not pay the additional hour.

Dumbest idea ever, but as soon as I reset the stove and microwave clocks I was over it.

I don’t understand why it riles people so much. What is the objection to it?

I like it getting light earlier since I usually ride at daylight, if I’m going for a ride.

I lived in AZ for 4 years, where they do not participate in this silly practice and some how people there keep on keeping on just fine. The concept just seems ridiculous, an attempt by man to try and control mother nature. That’s my mini-rant/opinion.

Just having clocks itself is probably more of an attempt to control nature. We could just get up when the sun does and go to bed when it goes down . Or something like that. Supper when the sun goes down breakfast at sunup.

15 hrs of sleep a bit much…

Dumbest idea ever, but as soon as I reset the stove and microwave clocks I was over it.l don’t understand why it riles people so much. What is the objection to it?

I think that scientists object because relatively small negative health effects multiplied by a population of almost 2 billion causes a lot of physiological harm in total.

Kind of like covid: the chance of death was small, but when multiplied across our population, millions died.

My oldest was in his final of four HS theater productions last night, wrapped up late, so driving back to the farm got me home just after 1am. My wife was on the couch with her ipad and phone, on overnight call for the hospitalist group after a brutal day with all three kids on tilt. I had to break it to her that her shift was in fact an hour longer than she had anticipated, which, if you’ve ever gone into a health care night shift on no sleep and frayed, is in fact the equivalent of an emotional apocalypse.

It’s also policy for their group to not pay the additional hour.

Do the folks on duty during the spring time change get an extra hour of pay for the 1 hour shorter shift?

You sign up per shift, not hours, because the hours are assumed. So no.

Obviously this varies by workplace and contract.

You sign up per shift, not hours, because the hours are assumed. So no.

Obviously this varies by workplace and contract.

I am confused.

So workers in the fall lose an hour of pay, but that same worker does not gain it back in the spring ???

You sign up per shift, not hours, because the hours are assumed. So no.

Obviously this varies by workplace and contract.

I am confused.

So workers in the fall lose an hour of pay, but that same worker does not gain it back in the spring ???

Sounds like they do. They get paid by shift. So they get the same whether the shift is longer or shorter than normal.