Climate change.. What have you done in your lifestyle to combat it

A comment by the village idiot, raised this issue and I wondered are their people out there, actively changing their lifestyle to combat climate change?

I always felt its a much bigger issue than what any one individual does, and more about making corporations and governments more supportive of making the changes.

Yes I own an EV, but it has Zero to do with being Green. It was cheaper, faster, and more economical to drive than any Ice vehicle I could buy at the time. Beyond that, I have looked at solar, but only because it might be cheaper than living on the grid, not cause of some climate thing. Oh I do have my electric company buy green energy. but again, thats only cause I get a credit on my electric bill so it saves me money.

A comment by the village idiot, raised this issue and I wondered are their people out there, actively changing their lifestyle to combat climate change?

I always felt its a much bigger issue than what any one individual does, and more about making corporations and governments more supportive of making the changes.

Yes I own an EV, but it has Zero to do with being Green. It was cheaper, faster, and more economical to drive than any Ice vehicle I could buy at the time. Beyond that, I have looked at solar, but only because it might be cheaper than living on the grid, not cause of some climate thing. Oh I do have my electric company buy green energy. but again, thats only cause I get a credit on my electric bill so it saves me money.

Do you even read the shit you post? No one has to make personal changes but you just want corporations and government to make changes? are you this stupid? You don’t think anywhere in your little brain that Corp and government might enforce those changes on individual? Good lord this is sad. How did you get through life?

I have an electric mower and weed whacker.

I left the coal industry, and went into wastewater treatment. Well I left coal because Texas sucks (full of SDGs) and I was over living there.

Then I left wastewater to work in power sports, so I guess I have gone full circle back to polluting…

No, I have not made any personal changes directly related to reducing my carbon foot print. I make choices that reduce the amount of trash I have to throw away, does that count?

Not a whole lot.
I ride a bike for transport because I like riding bikes I’ll probably buy an EV someday but don’t drive much so it will be a while I don’t eat much meat these days but that is because my body feels better when I don’t eat meat and the vegan options these days are excellent I still fly a lot Solar does not make much sense where I live as my utilities costs are cheap and are mostly from renewables I often use public transport when I travel, but mostly because it is often faster I did spend a bunch on some new HVAC unit that supposedly does not use much electricity The primary driver for the shift to renewables/electric will because they are better/cheaper…unless you are SDG, who bases his life choices on the size of Zuckerberg’s boat.

I have an electric mower and weed whacker.

Oh yeah, all my lawn equipment went battery operated years ago, snowblower, chainsaw, weed Wacker, lawnmower… Love it all no maintenance and no noise were the 2 big factors. Definitely seeing more and more electric lawn mowers, which is great so much quieter in the neighborhood.

A comment by the village idiot, raised this issue and I wondered are their people out there, actively changing their lifestyle to combat climate change?

I always felt its a much bigger issue than what any one individual does, and more about making corporations and governments more supportive of making the changes.

Yes I own an EV, but it has Zero to do with being Green. It was cheaper, faster, and more economical to drive than any Ice vehicle I could buy at the time. Beyond that, I have looked at solar, but only because it might be cheaper than living on the grid, not cause of some climate thing. Oh I do have my electric company buy green energy. but again, thats only cause I get a credit on my electric bill so it saves me money.

Do you even read the shit you post? No one has to make personal changes but you just want corporations and government to make changes? are you this stupid? You don’t think anywhere in your little brain that Corp and government might enforce those changes on individual? Good lord this is sad. How did you get through life?

And yet you said…

The rich and powerful as a group don’t give a rats ass about this climate crisis we keep hearing about. Yachts, jets, massive houses on the beach, all telling signs that its just something to talk about at cocktail parties and get some virtue points but no one is really going to change their lifestyles over it.

I don’t plan to either.

So clearly, you think someone is trying to get you to make these changes… See if the govt and businesses regulate the change the rich and powerful would also change… but this requires some higher level thinking that well you know (or maybe you dont)

I dont do much. I do bring my own bags to the grocery store + use amazon prime delivery day.

BUT most of that is because dont like the extra boxes/bags.

I pay 150 dollars a year to a farmer in Colombia. He took 1 hectare out of cattle production and we are letting it reforest. It is part of a larger project to reforest his land and he makes money off birding.

The place is called “Birdglamping” and it is near Solento.

I kept my medical office in a small town vs moving the practice to the town I moved to. I spares 30+ people driving round trip 70 km for doctor appts. We have fought hard to keep bloodwork in our office for the same reason.

This came up about a year ago -[BBB1975]_P7983942/?search_string=trees#p7983942 - and this was my list then:
You didn’t ask serious questions. I gave them the attention they deserved. They have been asked and answered by much more informed people than me many times over the last 30 years. They are not the gotchas you think they are.

As to what I have personally done? Again, this won’t be the gotcha you thought it was. This has been tried before. Let’s see if I can remember the list.

I vote for people who are trying to address the issue and not pretend it doesn’t exist. That is the most important thing any of us can do.

I work from home, no commute. 10 years ago I traded my SUV for a car that gets 30+ mpg. I have driven my last 3 cars over 200,000 miles. One 310,000. I set my thermostat at 78 in the summer and 65 in the winter. I have planted something like 70 or 80 trees on my 2.5 acres. I use carbon neutral firewood for most of my winter heat. I bought a battery weed whacker. I grow most of my own fruits and vegetables, trade those with my neighbor for eggs so no transport costs. I have converted about half my property to no mow with more to come. All LED lighting. Combine trips. That should be good enough for you. There are a lot of day to day things that are just a way of life now.

Not all of these were done explicitly to do what I can about climate change, but it was a consideration for most. You however didn’t trade your vehicles for Bolts, or do anything else for that matter, due to climate change. You made it clear it wasn’t a consideration for you.

Since then I bought a battery powered leaf blower, when my current mower dies my new one will be battery powered (small engines are horrible with emissions and most home tools that have 2 cycle engines should only come as battery powered).

A 225 acre (soon to be 400+) nature preserve was established right across the road from me. 2 weeks ago I helped plant 2000 trees and there will be more to come. I am now volunteering other skills to that group to help them expand along with brute force.

Again, planting the trees was not exclusively about climate change. It is also to improve the nature preserve. But my enthusiasm is increased by the threat of climate change.

Probably the only thing I have done specifically to reduce climate change is to check the Amazon delivery day box. I do a lot of stuff that reduces my climate impact but often for more reasons that just the climate.

80% of my commutes are by bicycle or working from home, but I mainly do that for the exercise.
I bought an EV, but is was cheaper than the ICE version ($22k new) and a blast to drive.
I put solar panels on the roof, but expecting that to pay off in the long run. I could have made more money in different investments, but they should still net me some solid returns.
I constantly fight with my wife about where to set the thermostat. But she wants it >72 in the winter and <72 in the summer.

I am generally frugal which translates to a smaller climate footprint. One area I haven’t cut back which probably negates all my positives is air travel.

Climate change I would not call it. Pollution reduction and sustainabliry.

  • have EV car,only use it for trips over 4 miles. Rest by bike
  • use my own bags shopping,own utensils eating out
  • switched house from gas to all electric
  • when I shower, wash my clothes at the same time
  • if it’s yellow… Let it mellow
  • reuse same dish every day, instead of piling the sink up, don’t clean it if it’s nothing too dirty for food (example to hold carrots, I don’t clean after)

I share a push lawn mower with my dad.

Climate change I would not call it. Pollution reduction and sustainabliry.

  • have EV car,only use it for trips over 4 miles. Rest by bike
  • use my own bags shopping,own utensils eating out
    -** switched house from gas to all electric **
  • when I shower, wash my clothes at the same time
  • if it’s yellow… Let it mellow
  • reuse same dish every day, instead of piling the sink up, don’t clean it if it’s nothing too dirty for food (example to hold carrots, I don’t clean after)

Please tell me you did this as the gas appliances reached their end of life…

How polluting does something need to be to justify the emissions of manufacturing a new replacement vs running it to EOL? Goes for cars, appliances and lawn tools. There has to be an analysis of the cost benefit somewhere, I just haven’t seen it.

I share a push lawn mower with my dad.

That is commitment. Those things are a workout.

I’ve cut down on cabbage and hard boiled eggs consumption.

Whatever I’ve done to lower my carbon footprint has probably been more than offset by running the AC in my office at the same time the heat is running in the building.

Meanwhile…. China is doing so much for climate change.

Climate change I would not call it. Pollution reduction and sustainabliry.

  • have EV car,only use it for trips over 4 miles. Rest by bike
  • use my own bags shopping,own utensils eating out
    -** switched house from gas to all electric **
  • when I shower, wash my clothes at the same time
  • if it’s yellow… Let it mellow
  • reuse same dish every day, instead of piling the sink up, don’t clean it if it’s nothing too dirty for food (example to hold carrots, I don’t clean after)

Please tell me you did this as the gas appliances reached their end of life…

How polluting does something need to be to justify the emissions of manufacturing a new replacement vs running it to EOL? Goes for cars, appliances and lawn tools. There has to be an analysis of the cost benefit somewhere, I just haven’t seen it.

I would love to see that myself.

I have had a 4 stoke Honda mower for about 15 years. Runs great with minimal effort. In that same time my neighbors have had 4 or 5 different electric mowers so they can be more green. I have to believe I have less impact on the environment then they do when you account for everything involved.

A comment by the village idiot, raised this issue and I wondered are their people out there, actively changing their lifestyle to combat climate change?

I always felt its a much bigger issue than what any one individual does, and more about making corporations and governments more supportive of making the changes.

Yes I own an EV, but it has Zero to do with being Green. It was cheaper, faster, and more economical to drive than any Ice vehicle I could buy at the time. Beyond that, I have looked at solar, but only because it might be cheaper than living on the grid, not cause of some climate thing. Oh I do have my electric company buy green energy. but again, thats only cause I get a credit on my electric bill so it saves me money.

Almost nothing.

Changes have to happen at the government level, or possibly at a societal (group) level. The more an individual does to reduce their carbon footprint, that disincentivizes others from doing anything.