Clif bar consumers and salmonella

This may have already been posted, and I apologize if so, but I just received an email from a quality control rep from a grocery chain and it listed out several products to be disposed of containing PB from the distributer King Nut and produced by Peanut Cooperation of America (the distributor and manufacturer identified as the source of the outbreak) and there are clif bar products on it. I don’t want to cause alarm and cause people to stop eating clif bars but just hold out until you can be for sure.

Thanks for posting that. I got a clif bar out to see and I may be misreading the recall, but is it any date between the two codes? For example the cilf bar crunchy pb is 21JUN09 to 01OCT09 and 03NOV09 to 28NOV09. So does that mean that my bar which is 05sep09 (which is between june 21 and oct) is bad? Or is it ONLY those bars with 21june09 and 01oct09 that are bad?

I took it as meaning between those dates, and returned a few Clif bars to my grocer. They refunded me with no problem. They hadn’t even heard of the Clif/Luna recall yet.

Why take the chance? For a $1 bar, I don’t need to be risking salmonella.

Ya that is how I take it to read as well, and i’m almost certain that is correct. Feel bad for clif bar company, but it got me thinking that many people use their products for their “healthy” appeal and bc they are made with some organic ingredients, which is advertised on every package. Didn’t like seeing that they have sourced their PB from the PCA, which may not be that big of a deal and more common than I think, but when I think of clif bar’s brand image I definitely don’t associate it with a manufacturer like PCA which supplies PB to several food companies, restaurants and manufacturers. Makes me think they took a cheap way out.

I’m not trying to start a discussion on this, bc I am ignorant on the subject and it’s only my perception of the situation. BTW for those thinking I am bad mouthing clif bars, I’m a connoisseur of clif products and hope this doesn’t hurt them too bad.

Ya that is how I take it to read as well, and i’m almost certain that is correct. Feel bad for clif bar company, but it got me thinking that many people use their products for their “healthy” appeal and bc they are made with some organic ingredients, which is advertised on every package. Didn’t like seeing that they have sourced their PB from the PCA, which may not be that big of a deal and more common than I think, but when I think of clif bar’s brand image I definitely don’t associate it with a manufacturer like PCA which supplies PB to several food companies, restaurants and manufacturers. Makes me think they took a cheap way out.

I’m not trying to start a discussion on this, bc I am ignorant on the subject and it’s only my perception of the situation. BTW for those thinking I am bad mouthing clif bars, I’m a connoisseur of clif products and hope this doesn’t hurt them too bad.
You do know the definition of “organic” is widely varied and rarely means what you think it means…I’d be willing to bet that probably 90% of the manufacturers out there use sources like PCA instead of making their own.


Yes, saw that notice and compared to the date on my empty box of Clif Bars and I should have returned them but ate them all and did not come down with Salmonella poisoning…

NICE…I just ate a cliff crunchy PB not more than 15 minutes ago 25SEP09B1. If I get sick at least I know why. Thanks guys:-/

NICE…I just ate a cliff crunchy PB not more than 15 minutes ago 25SEP09B1. If I get sick at least I know why. Thanks guys:-/

mine has the exact same date 25SEP09B1. I’ve eaten a couple and have been fine (just got this post today).

Are we reading correctly in that it is the dates “between” those two dates listed on their recall page, or is it the “actual” date shown on their recall page. They don’t make it very clear!