Cleat position (10)

No matter what i do, i can’t sit straight on my bike. Right hip ends up in front of the left. I also end up on the left side of my saddle. I have been working on my overall hip mobility, doesn’t seem to have helped. Even putting my left cleat all the way rearward with the right one all the way forward doesn’t really help. I don’t really have a fitter i trust to go, and i can’t find any good guides on cleat placement.

Any thoughts?

Pelvic twist can be a function of leg length discrepancy, and while a minor cleat stagger can aid in this, shims work better. Cleat placement should be so that the foot tripod is supported correctly.

Curious to understand how your ‘offset’ has been determined, and if there has been a physical assesement of your foot size/arch and gait.

No matter what i do, i can’t sit straight on my bike. Right hip ends up in front of the left. I also end up on the left side of my saddle. I have been working on my overall hip mobility, doesn’t seem to have helped. Even putting my left cleat all the way rearward with the right one all the way forward doesn’t really help.*** I don’t really have a fitter i trust to go***, and i can’t find any good guides on cleat placement.

Any thoughts?
Given your issues, I’d be thinking that any tri bike fitter would be better than what you currently have

A true pelvic obliquity will not be compensated for by a fore/aft cleat change; there is plenty of compensation in-between to keep the pelvis/hip in its “happy” place.

I recently had a fit done and they make cleats with a built in tilt to address issues like that. He swapped mine out and I’m golden on no more knee pain due to a knee dive in on the right.

So much could be going on.
Seat too high.
Wrong seat style.
Seat worn out.
Leg lengths off.
Mobility off - see a sports doc or ortho to verify.
Power to pedal variance from leg to leg.
Shoes worn out.

I once had a saddle where the rails were a little off (TT bike, split saddle). The right rail was likely bent ever so slightly causing the right side to be slightly higher than the left. It was visually unappealing, yet I can’t say I ever felt uncomfortable… So I left it.

In fact other bikes have given me knee pain (wearing the same cycling shoes) and for some reason that bike with the weird saddle never did! Maybe over the years my body molded the saddle? I couldn’t tell you, but we all have weird quirks.