the answer may be obvious, but i can’t find any info that confirms it on…
if u win ur ag in clearwater, do u get a spot to kona 09 or only clearwater again
Ack! You’re right. It can’t be found on the website. But I was looking for this info also not too long ago and I was searching with my mobile browser on my phone and I found something. From memory, there are seven 70.3 events that have slots for Kona
California, St. Croix, Hawaii, Eagleman, Buffalo Springs, Monaco, and Clearwater
awesome, thanks!
Here’s the link your looking for:
Age Group Slots: 24 • Pro Slots: 20
Yea, but that isn’t clear to me…it seems as if you earn a slot back to Clearwater, not Kona. Another question, anyone how much longer there will be 70.3 Kona slots, or are those being phased out?
right, that’s what was ambiguous.
from what i heard, they’re slowly being phased out. though i do think at the very least clearwater winners should get kona slot even if all others are scratched off.
until then, for the other 70.3s they could just start giving out slots only to the winner in each ag and only rolling that ONE slot if he/she doesn’t take it.
Your right, I always thought it was Kona slots.
Each age group winner in Clearwater will qualify for the 2008 Foster Grant Ironman World Championship 70.3 event. A professional prize purse totaling $100,000 will be offered.
Age Group Slots: 24 • Pro Slots: 20
Those are Clearwater slots for the next year. I am 99.99% sure there are no Kona slots at Clearwater. You will notice that there are no pro slots for Kona in 70.3 events, only AG slots and few of them at that. In the Guide to Kona publication put out by Inside Triathlon Clearwater is listed as a Clearwater qualifier, but not as a Kona qualifier.
Eagleman, California, Buffalo Springs Lake and Honu are the only US 70.3 events with slots. Monaco, and St. Croix from outside of US. I’m sure these 70.3 will likely lose slots I imagine especially if more IM events pop up.
in the past there have been kona spots at clearwater. in fact, a buddy of mine was 3rd in has ag and it almost rolled down to him.
I know that some of the 70.3’s with Kona slots have a contract that extends at least 2, possibly 3 more years. I can’t remember if I saw that policy for St. Croix or Buffalo Springs, or both. Regardless, it made me happy that the 70.3 slots to Kona won’t be completely phased out next year : ).
Only Kona slots at CW are for the 1st o’all pro male and female. Never has there been age group spots for Kona.
Not true-the first year had 2 or 3 Kona slots per age group.