Circular Breathing Torches me

Hey team -

So, something I’ve started to notice since I’ve taken training more seriously.

I can’t breathe in a circular pattern. That is, if I’m mid-run or bike and I start the in-through-nose-out-through-mouth, I immediately tank. I can run my heart rate up pretty high and continue breathing nose-only for quite a while. But, if I breathe at all through my mouth it immediately feels like I get punched in the guts, heartrate goes haywire, and I start breathing way up in my neck. I feel like this is a big limiter to endurance because literally everything says this is how to breathe, but I just can’t. Likely because I’m doing something wrong - anyone experience this?


because literally everything says this is how to breathe

Have you tried… just breathing? Like without thinking about it. What happens?

because literally everything says this is how to breathe…


Just breathe. Don’t think about it.

I’ve been running for 30 years, have read and heard just about everything there is about running, and have never heard this. Every now and then someone says there’s a technique to breathing, runnersworld wrote a book about it, but 99% of good, bad, and average runners have never once tried a breathing technique.

I feel like this is a big limiter to endurance because literally everything says this is how to breathe, but I just can’t.

Can you provide some sourcing on “literally everything”? A quick Google search of breathing while running says exactly the opposite of what you are saying.

because literally everything says this is how to breathe

WUT?! Nobody says this is how to breathe. I can’t imagine why anyone would even attempt this. Just breathe. Naturally. Like you have done since you were born.

This actually makes me feel a lot better and I’m happy to be wrong. I was getting information from (yes) Runner’s World, a few IG endurance coaches I follow, and things like my peloton workouts. If there’s as much and/or more suggestions to the contrary - or just comfortable breathing, that’s great.

I’m the other way around. I can’t breathe through my nose because holes are small, I never get enough oxygen. I will suffocate. I’m a big time mouth breather and it works well. On the bike, I open my mouth as wide as possible and breathe. One downside is nothing(dust or pollen) gets filtered, so my throat bothers me after the race. Just like others say just breathe the way you feel comfortable and don’t think about it.

I breathe in through my nose on recovery runs to ensure I stay in Z2 or lower. Can’t imagine trying that at Z3+ effort.

some of you guys waaaaaay overthink things

I’ve never thought about how to breathe while running. Like not even once. I might be leaving a lot on the table. Or, You just might be overthinking this one.

Google search…immediately find someone that was selling a “book and method”…yup, snake oil. Someone out to peddle BS to make a buck.

Humans aren’t horses. We have tiny nostrils. Once you get above an intensity threshold somewhere in Zone I or II, (depending on your favored system/method of calculating), you are not going to be able to use your nostrils exclusively anyway, so it’s silly to try. As other people stated here, just breathe.

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?

“Breathe man, BREATHE!!!”

Try my new Trapezoidal Breathingâ„¢ and PayPal me the royalties each time you do.

I prefer to not breathe, thank you very much. I find the air in my lungs really weighs me down

I’ve never thought about how to breathe while running. Like not even once. I might be leaving a lot on the table. Or, You just might be overthinking this one.


Ha ha, I thought I was on my saxophone forum for a minute. Circular breathing is something I worry about on the saxophone, not during a triathlon! Definitely don’t try it in the water.