Chewy sent us flowers last month

If you know, you know.

  • Jeff


First day I met Katie and Lucy. They were a bonded pair, cousins. Mother took Lucy; we took Katie. Katie’s on the left; Lucy the right. They were 6.

We got 6 great years with both of them. Lucy in October; Katie in January.

Sorry, pretty dog… we tried.

That’s about all I wanna talk about that for now. I’ll come back to it now and then, post more pics.

  • Jeff


Honey titled this pic, Jeff and his bitches…

Katie on my left, Lucy on my right (which was weird, because they were usually on the tails of my snowshoes…), and Sara, their great-aunt, trailing behind.

  • Jeff


Chewy gets a lot of things right. It’s these small gestures in addition to their other policies.

Thinking of your pack and will give our guy some extra scratches for your girls. Enjoy the memories and the pictures that I’m sure you’re combing through.

…that damn rainbow bridge

Mother puppy sitting; the pups watching us drive out of the yard.


Adventure pup.


Her favorite spot: in the brook behind camp.


Waiting for me to come to bed. Camp bed isn’t that big, ladies…



Honey always called this, Katie’s Tinder photo.


I think black cat misses her frenemy. I know I do.


Rainbow Bridge indeed…
4 weeks ago today my 27 month old was feeling his oats and escaped our property and a truck took him out instantly. I have his dad and he sure misses his boy, as do I.
I cry all the time

Sorry for your loss.

Chewy is awesome and will continue to use. We lost our lab a number of years ago and we had automatic shipping for the food. But… when she died… we called to stop the shipping. Not only did they give us a refund of the last shipment… sent a letter and told us to donate the food at a local shelter.

Again. Chewy does it right

I have a picture of our first two dogs laying just like that. A black flat coated retriever and a yellow lab. They weren’t related but they were together 15 years. It hurts so bad when you lose them, but that is just because they are so great.

love the pics. I’m sorry for your loss.

**Chewy gets a lot of things right. It’s these small gestures in addition to their other policies. **

Thinking of your pack and will give our guy some extra scratches for your girls. Enjoy the memories and the pictures that I’m sure you’re combing through.

…that damn rainbow bridge

yes they do. I made a mistake on ordering some special cat food…a case of it, but wrong size cans…not a big deal.

They just said keep the food and donate it to a shelter, no need to send it back and just sent me a new corrected case of food, no cost.


Follow up - strikes me that my Chewbacca gif in a prior post may come off dickish. Not my intent, but I recognize that intent doesn’t affect how it may land.

I was distraught when we had to let our last dog go. It’s a miserable experience. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through it recently.

I hate these threads, make me tear up in the office. Loosing a dog sucks every time, so sorry for your loss. Extra pets for my Penny and Nicki tonight.

Love the photos and so sorry for the pain of losing them. It looks like you gave them a great life, and in return dogs do what they always seem to do: give us great joy and memories.