Cheaper alternative to Profile Design screws

I am trying to lower the stack height on my profile design aerobars but I only have the screws that came with the bike that are long. I only need some shorter screws but dont see where they only sell those without the $51 riser kit.

I am trying to lower the stack height on my profile design aerobars but I only have the screws that came with the bike that are long. I only need some shorter screws but dont see where they only sell those without the $51 riser kit.

Depending on just how long, or perhaps how short, you want them, you may find them at your local hardware store. Take one of the screws with you for reference and see what you can find. If you can’t find the right length, at least you can confirm the specs, and with that you can certainly find them on Amazon.

just go to the closest hardware shop

These should be standard M6 bolts - depending on length, material and head - assume you’ll want Stainless and a button head, it’ll be eabout $1.00 USD per unit. Keep your washers from he ones you have right now.

The installation guide (hopefullyon Profile Design’s website / archives) for the spacer / bar kit you currently have will be the definitive reference - the parts table will say exactly what bolt. Double check in the off chance that they spec’d an M5 or something dumb like that for a certain year or product line.

as above, try your local hardware store. i was able to find stainless steel metric socket head cap screws at home depot

Go to an Ace Hardware. I’m 100% sure they will have appropriate bolts.

Where do you live? We have Ace hardware store and Elliot’s and they have insane number of screws and bolts. I usually upgrade mine with stainless steel, aluminum and no rust screws and bolts because sweat just destroy all the hardwares that come with the front aero setup. You can go to online hardware store and you should be able to find almost anything. Trust me. Profile Design, Tririg and other shops don’t have customized bolts and nuts for their products. They just buy whatever available in the market and include them in their package.

Note… Zinc coated steel is a better choice for use with aluminum. Stainless steel and aluminum have a high galvanic potential and will corrode significantly with exposure to chloride (sweat).

Standard ferrous steels and zinc have a MUCH lower galvanic potential with aluminum.

So, plain old bolts are better than fancy stainless.

Eta : cadmium is also a good choice… Which is often found on grade 5+ hardware. It has a yellow tinge.

In fact, probably best to just go with this:

They command a $0.50 premium, but come thread prep’d…and are also compliant with Profile Design’s installation requirements. Should you be one of the unfortunate few who stack it from an unfortunate aerobar/ riser collapse.

I buy all my bolts from here: