Chattanooga 70.3 2024

I just signed up for the race based on a lot of the feedback I’ve read on slowtwitch as well as numerous race reports. I just wanted to get some clarity on a few things:

-Are the roads still garbage for the first 6 miles and last 6 miles?
-Is the current solely based on the rainfall leading into the race?
-Is parking on race morning easy to find?
-Is the run as hilly as people make it seem or is it pretty standard affair (seems like opinions vary greatly on this one)
-Is the Andrews hill actually super challenging or is this a flatlander vs. hilly rider illusion?

Anyway, excited to race it regardless, but interested to hear people’s input and get a better idea of what to expect heading into race day. I’m stupidly doing this only two weeks after St. George, so my expectations of myself are not super high.

I just signed up for the race based on a lot of the feedback I’ve read on slowtwitch as well as numerous race reports. I just wanted to get some clarity on a few things:

-Are the roads still garbage for the first 6 miles and last 6 miles?
-Is the current solely based on the rainfall leading into the race?
-Is parking on race morning easy to find?
-Is the run as hilly as people make it seem or is it pretty standard affair (seems like opinions vary greatly on this one)
-Is the Andrews hill actually super challenging or is this a flatlander vs. hilly rider illusion?

Anyway, excited to race it regardless, but interested to hear people’s input and get a better idea of what to expect heading into race day. I’m stupidly doing this only two weeks after St. George, so my expectations of myself are not super high.

Raced in 2023

Roads did suck as you mentioned lost 2 of 3 bottles.
Yes, rainfall. Download the app and monitor the damn if you want to feel good or sad. Ha
No clue where you would even park as the start is a mile away at a private rowing club. I took the shuttle from Transition.
I don’t run hills well, but only one hill I hated. The rest non event for me.
Andrew’s. Nah, nonevent. I’m a 2:3x rider as reference.

-Are the roads still garbage for the first 6 miles and last 6 miles? ***I really don’t think the roads are that bad . . . a couple of bad railroad tracks, but all manageable. Certainly they could be better :slight_smile:
-Is the current solely based on the rainfall leading into the race? ***That and controlling the TVA upstream
-Is parking on race morning easy to find? ***There are big parking decks downtown and at the stadium, which isn’t too bad. You take a school bus to the swim start
-Is the run as hilly as people make it seem or is it pretty standard affair (seems like opinions vary greatly on this one) ***For the 70.3 really not bad
-Is the Andrews hill actually super challenging or is this a flatlander vs. hilly rider illusion? ***I am a climber . . . this hill surprised me a bit. It isn’t very long but it is steeper than I thought it would be.

I love 70.3 and 144.6 CHOO!!!

Those 6 miles are bad enough i’d avoid them in training at almost all cost :confused:

IMHO, the swim is not really swimming :frowning:

Parking is very easy to find :slight_smile:

the 70.3 run course is a fair topographical challenge but the lack of shade on the start or each loop can be brutal; the 144.6 run is a whole other topographical beast.

I just signed up for the race based on a lot of the feedback I’ve read on slowtwitch as well as numerous race reports. I just wanted to get some clarity on a few things:

-Are the roads still garbage for the first 6 miles and last 6 miles?
-Is the current solely based on the rainfall leading into the race?
-Is parking on race morning easy to find?
-Is the run as hilly as people make it seem or is it pretty standard affair (seems like opinions vary greatly on this one)
-Is the Andrews hill actually super challenging or is this a flatlander vs. hilly rider illusion?

Anyway, excited to race it regardless, but interested to hear people’s input and get a better idea of what to expect heading into race day. I’m stupidly doing this only two weeks after St. George, so my expectations of myself are not super high.

Raced in 2023

Roads did suck as you mentioned lost 2 of 3 bottles.
Yes, rainfall. Download the app and monitor the damn if you want to feel good or sad. Ha
No clue where you would even park as the start is a mile away at a private rowing club. I took the shuttle from Transition.
I don’t run hills well, but only one hill I hated. The rest non event for me.
Andrew’s. Nah, nonevent. I’m a 2:3x rider as reference.

So is it just the first 6 miles and last 6 miles or is it the whole thing?

What was the hill on the run that you hated (What approximate mile mark)?

I’ve heard Andrew’s can be done pretty easily if you are willing to get out of the saddle and dig a little bit

-Are the roads still garbage for the first 6 miles and last 6 miles? ***I really don’t think the roads are that bad . . . a couple of bad railroad tracks, but all manageable. Certainly they could be better :slight_smile:
-Is the current solely based on the rainfall leading into the race? ***That and controlling the TVA upstream
-Is parking on race morning easy to find? ***There are big parking decks downtown and at the stadium, which isn’t too bad. You take a school bus to the swim start
-Is the run as hilly as people make it seem or is it pretty standard affair (seems like opinions vary greatly on this one) ***For the 70.3 really not bad
-Is the Andrews hill actually super challenging or is this a flatlander vs. hilly rider illusion? ***I am a climber . . . this hill surprised me a bit. It isn’t very long but it is steeper than I thought it would be.

How is the section of the bike that’s in Georgia, are those roads good?

You’re saying Andrew’s is surprising as a climber, that’s interesting. I’m thinking it must be like hell hill at Oceanside where it doesn’t seem that bad, but when you’re on it you realize it deserves a little more credit

I love 70.3 and 144.6 CHOO!!!

Those 6 miles are bad enough i’d avoid them in training at almost all cost :confused:

IMHO, the swim is not really swimming :frowning:

Parking is very easy to find :slight_smile:

the 70.3 run course is a fair topographical challenge but the lack of shade on the start or each loop can be brutal; the 144.6 run is a whole other topographical beast.

Due to it being 1.4 miles I’m okay with it being a little less like swimming. How would you say swim times stack up given both the current and the extension to 1.4 miles?

I haven’t done the 70.3 since they moved it to down river only, prior to that there was a couple hundred upstream and then downstream; under the old format i’m pretty sure my quickest was <25min and i’m a 34min 70.3 lake swimmer all day… the my fastest IM CHOO swim is <50mins and i’m a 65min IM lake swimmer all day… so, it’s very quick… i think i’ve done that 70.3, 3 times and the full 3 times…

you’re going to Love the area and the event… people are incredible in that part of the world :slight_smile:

Beginning and end as you mention with spots in between. I wouldn’t worry.

The hill I can’t recall. There is aid there and shortly after you turn right for the bridge to go across the river. You do this twice.

I ran a 52/36 with 11/28 and only stood once. I rarely stand up but I did as my cadence was slowing. Was over quickly. Again I’m not a great cyclist 2:3x rider. My GF rode same rings up front with 11/30 out back. She rode the course 2:55 I think as reference.

I love 70.3 and 144.6 CHOO!!!

Those 6 miles are bad enough i’d avoid them in training at almost all cost :confused:

IMHO, the swim is not really swimming :frowning:

Parking is very easy to find :slight_smile:

the 70.3 run course is a fair topographical challenge but the lack of shade on the start or each loop can be brutal; the 144.6 run is a whole other topographical beast.

Due to it being 1.4 miles I’m okay with it being a little less like swimming. How would you say swim times stack up given both the current and the extension to 1.4 miles?

This totally depends on the flow of dam. It’s faster and last year wasn’t a fast year.

Beginning and end as you mention with spots in between. I wouldn’t worry.

The hill I can’t recall. There is aid there and shortly after you turn right for the bridge to go across the river. You do this twice.

I ran a 52/36 with 11/28 and only stood once. I rarely stand up but I did as my cadence was slowing. Was over quickly. Again I’m not a great cyclist 2:3x rider. My GF rode same rings up front with 11/30 out back. She rode the course 2:55 I think as reference.

I’m planning on 52/36 and 11-28. I’ve ridden the course on Rouvy, but obviously that only gives you a slight idea for it. As long as the pavement isn’t more potholes than actual road I should be good.

In my opinion the Georgia roads are like the regular country roads that I ride on. You have to keep your eyes open, but I really did not have any trouble. Again, that is not saying that they are perfect roads. I just really didn’t see any really big issue with them.

That Andrews Hill is short, but just a little steeper than I would have thought. I went out there the day before and was glad I did.

I love that course. Hope you do too!

In my opinion the Georgia roads are like the regular country roads that I ride on. You have to keep your eyes open, but I really did not have any trouble. Again, that is not saying that they are perfect roads. I just really didn’t see any really big issue with them.

That Andrews Hill is short, but just a little steeper than I would have thought. I went out there the day before and was glad I did.

I love that course. Hope you do too!

Everyone speaks so highly of this race, I’m definitely excited to give it a go.

Yeah not that bad. Centerline has rumble strips that are deep. I came out of swim at the back passed so many packs. I rode the edge of it and launched my bottles. Be careful there.

I usually ride 11/25 but was concerned about the hills and that one climb. I could have done with the 25 but why.

I did the race last year. Roads start and end are crap. I was told the bike and run were very hilly. They are not. I don’t remember any hills that were tough. It was mostly annoyingly always going up or down, lol. But mild. The first run loop I held back waiting for the hills and again never felt anything. There’s some up and some down so I picked it up the second loop and was annoyed (with a grin) at the advice I received. I didn’t have time to do any course recon but my advice would be to race hard. I live in Florida for reference.

Thanks for giving us a shot. I hope you enjoy this amazing community and the race we have built! Make sure and say hello race weekend.


I don’t think the roads in the city are garbage at all (and I’ve raced crits in the city numerous times, too). The train tracks are horrendous (for even more fun, try the Olympic course they do in June with 3x the train tracks), but if you rubber band your bottles for the initial trek out of the city you should be fine.

The hill isn’t really anything, but it is a minute or so in the little ring and out of the saddle. Lots of rollers throughout the course, too, but it’s relatively fast (I went sub 2:20 on 220 or so watts at 76 kg).

There’s a decent hill on the run course before you cross the first bridge, and then the pedestrian bridge is uphill halfway, too. I ended up walking both of those on the second lap.

Relatively fast with a 2:20 split which is a top 25 bike split with female pros there.

Good one!