Chart with Physiological Adaptation Timelines

I remember seeing this chart outlining the various physiological responses to training and timelines on the forums a few times, but unfortunately lost the bookmark. Anyone have it saved? Thanks!



Thank you; it was similar in that it listed the items under “Expected Physiological and Performance Adaptations Resulting From Training in Zones 1-7” but with the expected response windows after training.

If you put “coggan Physiological adaptation” into Google you will get lots of hits similar to the above.

Not what op was asking for, but I really like this one by Jan Olbrecht

This is such a great… and terrible graph!

No Axis labels. No unit definitions. It doesn’t say what the bottom chart is and the values do not line up with the top graph and neither do the category labels.


This is such a great… and terrible graph!

No Axis labels. No unit definitions. It doesn’t say what the bottom chart is and the values do not line up with the top graph and neither do the category labels.


It’s from Olbrecht’s book “Science of Winning”.

X-axis being hours. And yes, they absolutely do line up.

Winning has no units. /pink.