Charging Ultegra 11 sp - Can anyone help?

Can anyone tell me what charger I would need for an 11 speed Ultegra Di2 Rear derailleur?
Its a RD8050
Ive been given the bike but it hasnt got a charger
I cant even see where to charge it…any help would be great - thanks

It’s the esame charger for the system. Charge from The A junction box.

I know this sounds crazy but I cnat find the junctink box to identify what charger I will need or where to charge it. Its on a Dogma F8

Look for a small black box with about 5 wires going into it. There will be a small plastic thumb nail door on it. The charger plugs in there. Not sure where they hid it.

Thanks. I will keep searching

May be a bar end junction (RS910) also. Like this

May be a bar end junction (RS910) also. Like this

Thanks. Bit I checked that. It’s got standard bar ends

Find the battery and plug it into the charger.

Find the battery and plug it into the charger.

I can’t find the battery 😫

Did you remove the seatpost?

Did you remove the seatpost?
No. Could it be there ? So you’d need to remove the seat post each time you charge it?

That is the most common location for the battery.

You are likely looking for a junction box that will look like, or similar:

And you need this charger to plug into it likely:

If the junction box isn’t attached to the underside of the stem, see if there is a port/cover on the down tube of the frame, possibly hidden under a bottle cage. I think the F12 has that, not sure about F8.

Finally found the junction box…I thought I was going mad!!

Can you believe it! It was actually inside the stem! Not underneath but inside…never seen that before, what is the point, you woul dhave to take the bars off every time you charge it - how weird

Did you remove the seatpost?

Did you remove the seatpost?

No, there was no way iot was in the seat post but I saw a wire going into the stem, Took off the face plate holding the bars to the stem and it was inside the stem…So odd

How do you know that the battery couldn’t be in the seatpost?

How do you know that the battery couldn’t be in the seatpost?
It seemed weird that it would be there and there was no evidence of it being there.

Besides I found a cable running into the stem

How do you know that the battery couldn’t be in the seatpost?
It seemed weird that it would be there and there was no evidence of it being there.

Besides I found a cable running into the stem

The most common place to put the battery is in the seatpost.

Do you want to remove the handlebar every time you want to charge the battery?

How do you know that the battery couldn’t be in the seatpost?
It seemed weird that it would be there and there was no evidence of it being there.

Besides I found a cable running into the stem

The most common place to put the battery is in the seatpost.

Do you want to remove the handlebar every time you want to charge the battery?

No that’s why it was weird it was there. I have now moved it and attached it to the underside of the stem.
Why remove the seat and/or stem to get to it just to charge it