Challenge Quebec Announcement

awesome, we’ve been to quebec city twice in the last two years (for our wedding) so I’d love to head back. It’s such a beautiful area

That is one hell of a swim course…

Having just done Challenge Almere, it’s so good to see them expanding to this continent. I found it very true that they truly cater to the athlete. My experience was amazing and I’m excited to give my money to Challenge for future events.

The course is a little wacky, but Quebec City is awesome and I like the mid-July date.
I’m tempted to come out of triathlon retirement to use this an excuse to visit Quebec next summer.

That swim course makes the ‘M’ swim at Florida 70.3 look like a piece of cake. Pretty interested in this, having raced Tremblant 4x. My wife and I visited Quebec City in the summer of 2022 - will ask her if she wants to visit again!

That is one hell of a swim course…

Fourteen turns, including five U-turns, in 1900 meters?!? That’s nuts!

That is one hell of a swim course…

Fourteen turns, including five U-turns, in 1900 meters?!? That’s nuts!

I turn every 25m meters in training.

That is one hell of a swim course…

Fourteen turns, including five U-turns, in 1900 meters?!? That’s nuts!

I turn every 25m meters in training.

I’ll bet there aren’t 100 other people trying to turn at the same time…

That is one hell of a swim course… turns, including five U-turns, in 1900 meters?!? That’s nuts!Direct link:
Wonder if the PTO will be considering this event to blister a tour race onto.

Quebec is a great city & it’s good to see Challenge races coming to North America but it’s also the same day as 70.3 Oregon & Lake Placid. 70.3 Maine is the following weekend. Musselman is the weekend before. Would have liked to have seen some better spacing.

That’s the most ridiculous swim course I’ve ever seen. Beyond the ridiculousness of the course layout it’s all swimming in a marina. Not just the bay of the marina but swimming within the boat docks and boat slips. I’ve done marina swims before and the smell and taste of boat fuel can be bad. That’s in the open bay. This is swimming in the dock area. I assume the boats won’t be there (???) but the shit fuel filled water will be.

Google Map satellite view:,-71.2069757,382m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x4cb8bde1046376a7:0x3b635338290a8f66!8m2!3d46.8186428!4d-71.2056856!16s%2Fg%2F11b7gqfmjd?entry=ttu

That pinch point at the far end is NARROW! Like, maybe 2 pool lanes wide? This seems like an odd swim choice for a lot of different reasons. Seems like it’ll just be like swimming in a 50m pool, without walls, with diesel water, and a couple hundred of your best friends.

Water quality is monitored. There is a swimming area within the basin.

I will have too many choices next June-July-Aug-Sep…Tremblant 70.3 third week of June, Muskoka 70.3 first week of July, Challenge Quebec 113 third week of July, then Kingston tri first week of Aug, Brockville Olympic third week of Aug, and Esprit Half IM in Montreal first week of Sep.

Looks like racing every second weekend all summer ! I won’t need to train, just race every couple of weekend and bike to work and jog to pool daily at lunch! Gotta like it when all the race directors plan out your entire summer!

Kidding aside (not sure if I can do that entire line up without totally imploding), but this race looks fun given all my trips to Quebec City for partying. Other than that, I have only been to Quebec City for XC ski races and for swim meets, so a tri would be a first. If I am reading the course map correctly, the 4 loop bike is around 400m vertical and the run is two loops total 170m vertical (that’s not flat either). I like the multi loop bike. Should be good for spectators. I personally am not worried about water quality (should be fine) and I kind of like the out and backs through the marina. Minimally it won’t be crazy wavy.

Also for those who want some extra racing you can do the sprint on Sat and half IM on Sunday. Or Olympic on Sat and half on Sunday.

Water quality is monitored. There is a swimming area within the basin.

That’s pretty neat.

Also of note Dominique Piche who is the founder and race director for IM Tremblant, IM70.3 Tremblant and the 2014 IM 70.3 World Championships IS the race director:


Looks exciting. The local tri clubs were trash talking each other in the chat already, so it’ll be fun to watch anyway.

Oh, book your hotels now if you are planning to go. They’ll be very expensive and near impossible to find soon. Quebec didn’t need this race to fill its hotels that weekend.

Should have just thrown them in the St Lawrence and let the Tide Gods decide who makes it to T1…

I see there is a nice package for $394 that you can do the Olympic on Sat and half on Sunday or Sprint Sat + Half on Sunday !!! I heard they already sold 1000 entries yesterday.