Chain Lube (2)

Just curious as to which chain lube you use and why. Also how often do you clean/degrease your chain.


Wet= Wet conditions and/or nasty riding. Cyclocross,rainy conditions, etc.
Dry= Road/Tri Racing where weather won’t easily “wash” it off.

When your chain feel’s dry, wipe it down and apply a drop of lube to each link. I use Wet for everyday training. Dry for race conditions.

I use Squirt on my road bike and Rock n Roll blue on my MTB.

I usually leave the chain on the bike, use some Simple Green and a brush. Rinse and use some compressed air to get the water out of the nooks and wipe with a towel. Then lube.

I’ll know its time to lube when my chain starts to make noise.

Ever since that velonews late last year I’ve been running the rock n’ roll gold lube, apply a fresh coat every 100 miles, full degreasing every 400. (lightly and frequently) For the full degreasing I spray simple green or citrus degreaser on the chain and then run it through one of those chain cleaners (don’t put anything in the chain cleaner, it just wastes degreaser). Spray the stuff on my cogs and use a park tool cog brush to clean them.

Morgan blue race oil.
Apply every 150kmswipe off excess from outside face.

Wet ride apply more before ride to inside face. Degrease wash, wd40 and re apply afterwards

Road/TT bike = Wax with KMC missing link every 300-400 miles. easy, clean and beautiful.

NFS, half dozen drops, spin the crank. Wipe the side plates after every ride. No need to clean the chain. Runs nice and QUiET too.
My other standby is T9, need to use a bit more and application is more frequent as well.

Who uses Rock n Roll red…like it? It seems noisy. What do you use to clean chain when using a dry lube?


From my LBS: don’t ever degrease. Grease is good. Clean? Yes. Lube? Yes. But, you want the grease in there.
Been using Rock’n’Roll Gold weekly; couldn’t be happier.

Who uses Rock n Roll red…like it? It seems noisy. What do you use to clean chain when using a dry lube?

It made my cassette red, seemed to work ok. The gold is better IMO.


rock n roll gold has the 2nd highest efficency to parafin wax (see friction facts publications). for $10 you can get all of the studies he’s done, pretty well worth it.

rock n roll gold has the 2nd highest efficency to parafin wax (see friction facts publications). for $10 you can get all of the studies he’s done, pretty well worth it.
How about free?

Even better!

Purple Extreme

“Grease” in the chain is not good if road grit has built up in the links. A thin lubricant with with silica is the same as grinding compound and will accelerate the rate of wear.


“Grease” in the chain is not good if road grit has built up in the links. A thin lubricant with with silica is the same as grinding compound and will accelerate the rate of wear.


If somehow I got road grit built up in the links I would replace the chain.

I wipe the road grime off my chain after every ride with wd40 and a rag. I think put a few drops of lube on it. Every few hundred miles I take it off and soak it in citrust cleaner then relube it. I definitely recommend adding a master link into your chain. It makes it really easy to clean everything.

Tri-Flow. Depending on the weather I wipe down my chain (bike wash on a rag to get the grit off) and lube every 1-2 weeks.

wolf’s head 30 weight motor oil mixed with paint thinner for a lube. Chainsaw bar oil is good also. 3 in 1 is fine too.

clean the chain with diesel and a paintbrush plus compressed air, or gunk engine brite and hot water or just wash the bike with simple green and clean chain w/ brush and soapy water. I use wd40 to drive the water out

for the fixed gear in winter i just blow on wd40 and pitch it at the end of the winter

Big fan of the new WD-40 Bike Dry Lube. Clean and quiet.