Cervelo Website issue

Maybe it’s not an “issue” and instead functioning as intended. Still confusing to me.

When I view the different bike models it doesn’t allow me to see them bigger or even change colors on the bikes. It shows the small color swatch(es) under each model highlighting what color options are available but I can’t click on anything that shows the bike in the different color options.

Is this a new website design or is something up with my browser? I’ve tried it on both chrome and safari.

Been that way since that style site was released. Since Felt fixed their site, Cervelo now is the worst by far.

Those color swatches used to be links to be able to swap to the other color of the bike. Weird.

Been that way since that style site was released. Since Felt fixed their site, Cervelo now is the worst by far.

Yeah website design that’s too clever for its own good. Acres and acres of pictures that you don’t particularly want when you’re trying to dig into a specific model. And then not the pictures - like color options - that you actually want.

Been that way since that style site was released. Since Felt fixed their site, Cervelo now is the worst by far.

Ok so it’s not on my end then. That is a terrible design style.

Those color swatches used to be links to be able to swap to the other color of the bike. Weird.

Exactly what I was referring to. So dumb.

Been that way since that style site was released. Since Felt fixed their site, Cervelo now is the worst by far.

Yeah website design that’s too clever for its own good. Acres and acres of pictures that you don’t particularly want when you’re trying to dig into a specific model. And then not the pictures - like color options - that you actually want.

I hadn’t even thought about that but you’re right. A lot of pictures to sift through. It really is an awful web design. I’m glad it’s not just me though. It’s been like this for a long time I just never posted about it, but it finally got to me.

When I was recently looking into their P-Series I too was confused by their website. In fact, I emailed them questions about specs as their site was so unclear. I also took the opportunity and told them their website is really bad and they need to make some improvements. I made some suggestions like, more pics, the ability to expand pics and clear model year labels and improved spec info. Really, they just need to look at the competition websites to know how to do a website. That was several weeks ago and almost nothing has changed.
For such a high level brand I would expect more.