I haven’t started my search yet but I’m interested in getting a P3 Carbon. Questions: 1) If the bikes are not in the shop how do I get fitted for one? 2) Am I going to be able to get one before April if they have to put one on order?
Just curious if anyone knows of the current situation.
as for the fitting, i really don’t know what to tell you. i ordered a p3c in early dec. and the ETA is mid jan. as long as you don’t order a 48 i would think you’d be okey…
You need to be fitted. Find a nearby bike shop that has at least two sizes that might fit you - say a 51 and a 54. This is better than getting a 51 and realizing you need a 54. See also all the previous threads on fitting a P3C, including Demerly’s post and site on fitting a P3C.
Or, find an occassion to fly/drive down to Austin for a long weekend. Get fitted on Friday afternoon, ride Saturday (just to make sure, or borrow one of their P3Cs), and go home happy on Sunday. Call Don at www.austintricyclist.com. They have all but 48s. I’m sure there are also shops in Dallas.
How about you get an idea of your bike fit before deciding what bike you will purchase? After all, a P3C is a expensive purchase, you should justify spending money on a good fit.
What tri bike frame are you riding now? Could you post a pic with you riding on it, that certainly would help some. How flexible are you? How low can you ride? Do you have a long or short upper body measurements, what about the legs?
There are different geometries available because people are different. I’m not saying that you can not ride the P3, neither do I say that people can be fitted with a static photo over the internet, but this would certainly be more info than what you have provided thus far.
But ultimately you should go to a good bike shop near you that knows about biomechanics and tri bike fitting. You spend the money on the bike, you might as well do it right and get a good fit.
I was in the same situation a couple of months ago. I was interested in a P3 Carbon and my local tri shop’s comment was basically “get in line.” I was told that if I wanted a P3C I would have to wait until May. So I clicked on Mission Bay MultiSport (from this site), picked up the phone and spoke with Bill at MBM, we discussed my stats, settled on a 58CM P3C and I had the bike 8 days later.
I think you should be able to determine the correct frame size on your own or by speaking with someone like Bill. After that, it’s the components and set up; you want aerobars that have the highest degree on adjustibility (Profile T2 S-bends) and enough length on the fork to set those bars at the correct height After that the only thing to do is determine the correct stem length. Of course there are other factors, but you can get that stuff dialed in once you have the bike. Good luck.