Cell phone etiquette - am I wrong that talking on the phone while using the bathroom is WEIRD?

  1. A couple times at work lately I’ve been washing my hands when someone comes into the bathroom, talking on their phone, and proceeds to talk on the phone while using the toilet.

I thought this was super weird, but recalled cat sitting for a prof in grad school and they had an old house that had a phone on the wall in the master bathroom (phone w cord).

Phone and using the toilet shouldn’t mix, IMO. Who’s weird here - me or the toilet talkers? It’s definitely them, right?

  1. People having phone conversations via earbuds while lifting weights or doing gym stuff bugs me too but that may stem from my general dislike of noise. I’m not sure as to the (in)appropriateness. That could just be a pet peeve of mine. Thoughts?

Weird and kind of gross to be talking on your phone in the bathroom. First, it’s just a little weird to have a conversation while you’re using the bathroom at all, whether on the phone or in person. Guys typically know, you don’t start talking to the guy next to you at the urinals. Second, that phone is going to be up by your face and your mouth and your ears. I don’t really want urine splatter or fecal bacteria all over it.

I understand all sorts of bacteria get on your phone already just in daily life, but why put it in the line of fire?

Definitely weird.

  1. We were at a friend’s house Sunday for a Halloween run/walk/brunch. There were 25-30 people and a tremendous post-workout pot luck spread. It was f’n cold and windy, so we ducked inside to warm up. Enter the kitchen and there’s a woman sitting at the island, loudly facetiming on speaker as if she’s not in the middle of a party. Gotta admit that a part of me wanted to slap that f’n phone out of her hand. Guess you’re not alone.
  1. We were at a friend’s house Sunday for a Halloween run/walk/brunch. There were 25-30 people and a tremendous post-workout pot luck spread. It was f’n cold and windy, so we ducked inside to warm up. Enter the kitchen and there’s a woman sitting at the island, loudly facetiming on speaker as if she’s not in the middle of a party. Gotta admit that a part of me wanted to slap that f’n phone out of her hand. Guess you’re not alone.

I fucking hate anyone that FaceTimes in public or uses their speakerphone in public. Fucking degenerate heathens

Standing in line. Those people need to be banished from polite society.

Talking on the phone in the bathroom is weird, because people likely can hear you doing your stuff, flushing, etc. Having a phone on mute and taking it to the bathroom is not that weird. If you are on a lengthy multi-person conference call and you really gotta go, it may be better to bring the phone with you than leave the phone in your office and miss part of the call. If it’s a 2-person call, then tell the person you gotta take a quick break.

There are other countries where they accept that people go to the bathroom with less weirdness and this is totally normal.

I find it weird- but I also appreciate multitasking. I got used to it - but never joined in.

Weird and kind of gross to be talking on your phone in the bathroom. First, it’s just a little weird to have a conversation while you’re using the bathroom at all, whether on the phone or in person. Guys typically know, you don’t start talking to the guy next to you at the urinals. Second, that phone is going to be up by your face and your mouth and your ears. I don’t really want urine splatter or fecal bacteria all over it.

I understand all sorts of bacteria get on your phone already just in daily life, but why put it in the line of fire?

Definitely weird.

I agree that bathroom conversations, telephonic or otherwise, are weird.

To your second point: yes, it’s gross, but I think it’s a high percentage of people who are reading or texting on their phones while taking a dump, so the horse is already out of the barn on that front.

Second, that phone is going to be up by your face and your mouth and your ears. I don’t really want urine splatter or fecal bacteria all over it.

What the hell? If the phone is up at your head, why the heck is urine also up by your head? Point that thing down.

Second, that phone is going to be up by your face and your mouth and your ears. I don’t really want urine splatter or fecal bacteria all over it.

What the hell? If the phone is up at your head, why the heck is urine also up by your head? Point that thing down.

You might be surprised at some of the things you see guys doing, where they set their phones down, and where splatter can go.

ironclm wrote:
Second, that phone is going to be up by your face and your mouth and your ears. I don’t really want urine splatter or fecal bacteria all over it.

What the hell? If the phone is up at your head, why the heck is urine also up by your head? Point that thing down.
You might be surprised at some of the things you see guys doing, where they set their phones down, and where splatter can go.

feel free to NOT elaborate on that one

I’d take a step back from that and say I find the whole thing of women going to the bathroom together weird.

Never in my whole life have I thought about having a friend go with me to the bathroom.


I’d take a step back from that and say I find the whole thing of women going to the bathroom together weird.

Never in my whole life have I thought about having a friend go with me to the bathroom.

This. 1000X this.

Guys typically know, you don’t start talking to the guy next to you at the urinals.

Hold my beer…


Second, that phone is going to be up by your face and your mouth and your ears. I don’t really want urine splatter or fecal bacteria all over it.

What the hell? If the phone is up at your head, why the heck is urine also up by your head? Point that thing down.

I’ve had it happen to me a few times, but only when using those Dyson urinals. Absolutely horrible design.


When a person is on the phone in the bathroom I make intentional inappropriate fart and moan and sigh noise as loud as possible.

Second, that phone is going to be up by your face and your mouth and your ears. I don’t really want urine splatter or fecal bacteria all over it.

What the hell? If the phone is up at your head, why the heck is urine also up by your head? Point that thing down.


Pretend they are talking to you and join the conversation!

feel free to NOT elaborate on that one

Since you asked.
