Carville is right (again)

Carville: Biden not accepting Super Bowl interview is a ‘sign’ (

Democratic strategist James Carville said President Biden not sitting for an interview before the Super Bowl is a “sign” of his administration having little confidence in him.
“It’s the biggest television audience, not even close, and you get a chance to do a 20, 25-minute interview on that day, and you don’t do it, that’s a kind of sign that the staff or yourself doesn’t have much confidence in you, there’s no other way to read this,” Carville said in a recent interview on CNN’s “Smerconish.”
This will be the second year in a row that the president has not sat for an interview before the big game.

this is all part of the lying and hiding that has been going on since he was propped up and put into the front of the race in 2020 in SC.
back then we were told it was because of Covid. Now it’s because when he does stand in front of real people asking real questions we get what we got on Thursday night. A well meaning elderly man who can no longer think and respond on his feet and can no longer control his temper and communicate effectively.
why they don’t trot Kamala out instead is a whole additional conversation.
But, the excuse from the bad mouthpieces is “people just want to watch the game and the commercials”. Yeah, that’s why you’re passing up a chance to reach televisions biggest audience…BEFORE THE GAME… for free.

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Carville is wrong and irrelevant

Bidens making a solid call here based on good strategy. His mental acuity is fine he’s just saving his best for the crowds of 8-12 he’s been encountering lately

Plus he has to go to East Palestine next week to meet with Arafat and get some gates opened up. These are major international crises that he has to walk and chew gum on. Can’t be distracted by one big crises and forget something minor like when your kid died or when you were in office last or what day of the week it is.

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Carville is wrong and irrelevant

Bidens making a solid call here based on good strategy. His mental acuity is fine he’s just saving his best for the crowds of 8-12 he’s been encountering lately

Plus he has to go to East Palestine next week to meet with Arafat and get some gates opened up. These are major international crises that he has to walk and chew gum on. Can’t be distracted by one big crises and forget something minor like when your kid died or when you were in office last or what day of the week it is.

or when 9/11 occurred

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Yup, he did.
President Trump opts out of Super Bowl interview (

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Yup, he did.
President Trump opts out of Super Bowl interview (

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Yup, he did.
President Trump opts out of Super Bowl interview (

I was wrong. Trump opted out too

See how easy it is to be a man

Now you try.

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Yup, he did.
President Trump opts out of Super Bowl interview (

Sorry I forgot what we were taking about.

Oh yeah. The World Series that corn pop and I went to with Lincoln and Thatcher.

Yep roasted one on of the points.

So you disagree with Carville then ??

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Yup, he did.
President Trump opts out of Super Bowl interview (

Sorry I forgot what we were taking about.

Oh yeah. The World Series that corn pop and I went to with Lincoln and Thatcher.

Yep roasted one on of the points.

So you disagree with Carville then ??

Hard to say, I’m still trying to get my head around his garage being messy.

The pressure is indeed building inside Biden’s circle/bubble for him to step aside. I mean, even if you think he can still helm the ship, whats he going to be like in 4 years? Biden won’t be able to take a 3pm call, let alone a 3am call. Carville is just stating the obvious. Got nothing to do with being right or wrong. I predict mid April is when he makes the call to not run.

The pressure is indeed building inside Biden’s circle/bubble for him to step aside. I mean, even if you think he can still helm the ship, whats he going to be like in 4 years? Biden won’t be able to take a 3pm call, let alone a 3am call. Carville is just stating the obvious. Got nothing to do with being right or wrong. I predict mid April is when he makes the call to not run.

I just saw something on line that Biden might be putting out a canned PSA about Big Snickers and shrinkflation related to the SB

Because, you know, junk fees and shrinkflation are serious issues the voter cares about right now.

Your real wages haven’t kept up with my inflation under Bidenomics?? It’s Big Chip and Candy’s fault. Those sunsabitches!!!

He’s “calling on” snack manufacturers to stop the shrinkflation because we are tired of being suckers…yes yes we are…

No word on whether he’s going to “warn them” with “Don’t, Don’t D’ont” or not.

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Yup, he did.
President Trump opts out of Super Bowl interview (

Sorry I forgot what we were taking about.

Oh yeah. The World Series that corn pop and I went to with Lincoln and Thatcher.

Yep roasted one on of the points.

So you disagree with Carville then ??

Hard to say, I’m still trying to get my head around his garage being messy.

Psst… the trash goes in a container and out to the curb.

and you don’t put classified information in open boxes you’ve been hoarding over a 40 year period and willfully sharing with people in your garage next to your “mess” where Hunter takes his Chinese partners and crack whores to snort coke

Carville hasn’t been anything close to relevant for 20 years or more

Yeah TFG and all other candidates would probably pass this chance to speak in front of this large a TV audience for free up too

Yup, he did.
President Trump opts out of Super Bowl interview (

Sorry I forgot what we were taking about.

Oh yeah. The World Series that corn pop and I went to with Lincoln and Thatcher.

Yep roasted one on of the points.

So you disagree with Carville then ??

Hard to say, I’m still trying to get my head around his garage being messy.

Psst… the trash goes in a container and out to the curb.

and you don’t put classified information in open boxes you’ve been hoarding over a 40 year period and willfully sharing with people in your garage next to your “mess” where Hunter takes his Chinese partners and crack whores to snort coke

But if you do you should definitely blame “your staff” for them being there and then hide for the weekend while otherwise decent people go on TV and cover for you

Carville: Biden not accepting Super Bowl interview is a ‘sign’ (

Democratic strategist James Carville said President Biden not sitting for an interview before the Super Bowl is a “sign” of his administration having little confidence in him.
“It’s the biggest television audience, not even close, and you get a chance to do a 20, 25-minute interview on that day, and you don’t do it, that’s a kind of sign that the staff or yourself doesn’t have much confidence in you, there’s no other way to read this,” Carville said in a recent interview on CNN’s “Smerconish.”
This will be the second year in a row that the president has not sat for an interview before the big game.

this is all part of the lying and hiding that has been going on since he was propped up and put into the front of the race in 2020 in SC.
back then we were told it was because of Covid. Now it’s because when he does stand in front of real people asking real questions we get what we got on Thursday night. A well meaning elderly man who can no longer think and respond on his feet and can no longer control his temper and communicate effectively.
why they don’t trot Kamala out instead is a whole additional conversation.
But, the excuse from the bad mouthpieces is “people just want to watch the game and the commercials”. Yeah, that’s why you’re passing up a chance to reach televisions biggest audience…BEFORE THE GAME… for free.

Not really sure what the story here, is or your point.

As much as I get on the Dem’s for not understanding this election and probably more accurately why voters will sit out, instead of voting for a Dem, and why some will vote for Trump, This post is the same thing the other way. People are not voting for Biden because he is an awesome Presidential candidate. Honestly in my 40ish years of voting for Potus, Biden is the worst candidate I have ever voted for and once again I will vote for him in Nov. Its not a vote of confidence in Biden. It is for 1 reason only, to keep Trump out, that’s how bad your candidate is. I hunk of meatloaf is more appealing than voting for Trump.

Lets try to make something interesting out of this thread.

So what. History has revealed that we had from about 85 to Jan of 89 a President with a good level of dementia. At the time, it was well hidden. I don’t see the issue, of feeble Potus, you surround him by people who handle his day to day, and roll him out when needed, if shit gets to bad, he resigns and the VP takes over. At this point in the election cycle maybe he runs, and on Jan 16th steps down. Ensure the Victory than hand over the reigns.

We as a nation literally have 2 choices, a raving lunatic, who has said he wont follow the constitution, think he has the right as potus to use Seal team 6 as his personal assassin (his lawyers said that), had said he wont defend nato countries who don’t pay him, thinks its fine for the Russians to expand into other countries, will pardon people convicted of insurrection, and more… Or a feeble minded old man, who doesn’t do well in interviews.

Neither is a great choice, but for me and many, the answer is clear. Sadly it also leads many to just not vote.

So please explain what the issue really is, and why the alternative is better? Yes, I am that dumb I need you to explain it to me so don’t just give me an oh please, or its obvious, its not to me.

The pressure is indeed building inside Biden’s circle/bubble for him to step aside. I mean, even if you think he can still helm the ship, whats he going to be like in 4 years? Biden won’t be able to take a 3pm call, let alone a 3am call. Carville is just stating the obvious. Got nothing to do with being right or wrong. I predict mid April is when he makes the call to not run.

Could you play out how a step down, from running plays out? I mean does VP just start running. Primaries are well underway all ballots written.

And who cares, Ronny could not take a call the last few years earlier. There are people in place to keep the house running.

The Dems have made their bed to run with Biden and hope they can keep him standing long enough. I don’t see them backing down from that now, unless they literally cant keep him standing.

By mid-April or thereabouts Biden will have enough delegates to assure the nomination (I assume; have not done the math). Stepping down means releasing his delegates at the convention. Of course, there are issues regarding who will step up and whether Biden will try to guide his delegates or just give them free rein. One can hope…

The pressure is indeed building inside Biden’s circle/bubble for him to step aside. I mean, even if you think he can still helm the ship, whats he going to be like in 4 years? Biden won’t be able to take a 3pm call, let alone a 3am call. Carville is just stating the obvious. Got nothing to do with being right or wrong. I predict mid April is when he makes the call to not run.

I just saw something on line that Biden might be putting out a canned PSA about Big Snickers and shrinkflation related to the SB

Because, you know, junk fees and shrinkflation are serious issues the voter cares about right now.

Your real wages haven’t kept up with my inflation under Bidenomics?? It’s Big Chip and Candy’s fault. Those sunsabitches!!!

He’s “calling on” snack manufacturers to stop the shrinkflation because we are tired of being suckers…yes yes we are…

No word on whether he’s going to “warn them” with “Don’t, Don’t D’ont” or not.

Biden’s Super Bowl ‘Shrinkflation’ video stuns social media: ‘Is this a joke?’ (

Outkick columnist Mary Katherine Ham commented, “I did not predict leaning into the aging issue with an Andy-Rooney-on-quaaludes rant about how chip bags used to be fuller.”

OutKick, originally OutKick the Coverage, is an American conservative sports news website founded by Clay Travis in 2011 as an alternative to mainstream sports media which he described as serving the elite, left-leaning minority.

You really need to start questioning where you get your news.

OutKick, originally OutKick the Coverage, is an American conservative sports news website founded by Clay Travis in 2011 as an alternative to mainstream sports media which he described as serving the elite, left-leaning minority.

You really need to start questioning where you get your news.

you really need to start questioning why you think any part of this post on shrinkflation is “news”

this post is to mock Joe Biden’s inability to appear live for a real interview and instead create a video against BIG CHIP and to mock posters like you who work so hard to defend this addled buffoon simply because he shares a political party with you.

OutKick, originally OutKick the Coverage, is an American conservative sports news website founded by Clay Travis in 2011 as an alternative to mainstream sports media which he described as serving the elite, left-leaning minority.

You really need to start questioning where you get your news.

here’s some news for you, hopefully ABC is a legit source

Lakewood Church shooting: AR-15 had ‘Palestine’ sticker, antisemitic writings recovered, police say - ABC News (

latest is that the shooter MAY also be trans…

I wonder why this “News” hasn’t made the LR yet. I imagine Nutella will be along any minute to comment on the “trend” of shooters being trans so often lately.
