Canyon speedmax nosecone noise

guys two quick questions - i got the new speedmax cf slx
one niggle i have is that nosecone (ie the fork cover) is making quite bit of noise. I mean the slighest touch of the bars - turn left right lifting the front all makes noise, and while pedalling every single pedal stroke it creaks

I noticed non drive of the nose cone is firm and doesnt move when pressed - the drive side is quite flexible and moves around when touched - is this supposed to be like that?

two questions are:

  • is this attached to only one side of the fork ie its normal?
  • how to make it STFU and be quiet

appreciate input

This is a known issue. I had it with one Speedmax, don’t have it with the current Speedmax. Solution is quite simple: put some vaseline onto the frame under the plastic cover.

How do you take the plastic cover off? TIA

there’s a small screw under the fork - unscrew it and unclip the cover.