Cantabria and Asturias Spain

Hello Team.

Was wondering if there are any recommendations in these areas (Cantabria and Asturias) as to 1. Places to Stay (where there is enough ‘town life’ for my wife), 2. Easy access to great cycling, 3. Great food, 4. Any area that’s a great ‘bang for your buck’, and 5. Any areas (as well as cycling routes) we should avoid? I wouldn’t be surprised if #2 and #3 or everywhere… We will be going with a car in about 1.5 to 2 months from now.

We did Basque Country last year (and, I am a little Sad not to go back…), but, my wife wants to see this part of her country as she has never been there.

While not as important as above questions… we might, venture over to Santiago de Compostela for a few days too in Galicia… Not sure yet on that one. Other thoughts are possibly Burgos, La Rioja region, Pamplona, and/or Leon. If we venture more ‘in-land’ from the coast, these we may give consideration.


logrono in la rioja is a great place and the cycling is great and its a great city east and west flat cycling south and north great hills if i was to move to the norht of spain that would be a city high up on my list
not to big not to small very friendly vibe
otherewise picos de europa one of the best places in spain

Yeah, it seemed very nice. I can definitely see that. It may be an option. We stopped there last year to pickup a bike I was renting to go up to the Basque Country (due to Tour being in town there wasn’t any left to rent).

Less on the cycling front, but we stayed at while in Rijoa - the B&B was delightful, the town (Rodezno) is about 300 people, so not much there, but within reasonable driving to a number of wineries.

Hello TriChris14,

Asturian here. I’ll try to answer your questions but feel free to PM me for further clarifications.

Northern Spain is quite trendy in the last few years, both for Spaniards and foreign visitors. Maybe it’s because of global warming and not so hot weather in the region or the unspoilt coastline. If you are coming in July, I’d recommend you to book as soon as possible. Anyway, it’s cheaper than Basque Country.

Asturias is home to the toughest Vuelta’s stages. If you are into climbing and rampas infernales (>10%), it’s a paradise. Climbs here are tougher and longer than in the Basque Country. Our mountains get to 1700m altitude in just 10-20 km.

  1. Oviedo or Gijón are your best options but as a cyclist I’d recommend you to stay in Oviedo. In summer, Gijón is really packed and the routes to get out of the city are more limited. You can only go South or East. I’m from Asturias and I try to avoid crossing Gijón by bike. In Oviedo, you can go anywhere and get out of the city in 5-10 mins.

  2. Angliru, Cobertoria, Gamoniteiro, Ermita del Alba… some of the most iconic climbs where Remco, Kuss or Pogacar have won are just 30km from Oviedo. Gijón is 30km apart (or 25mins by car) as well. You could go to reserved biosphere areas like Somiedo or Covadonga by car (1 hour) and start closer to those areas. Amazing cycling similar to Pyrenees or Alps.

If you are into MTB or just trekking, the different variations of the Camino de Santiago are also great routes. The Camino Primitivo goes from Oviedo To Santiago and it’s actually the first Camino.

  1. Anywhere. Oviedo is the European Capital of Gastronomy in 2024 but expect the same in Gijón. Coast villages like Llanes or Ribadesella can be a little tourist trap is you are not careful and sit just in front of the sea.

  2. Asturias is quite bang for your buck all around.

  3. I really doubt any booking website would recommend Langreo, but if it does, don’t go there.

Santiago is 320km from Oviedo. Last July I rode there in 9 hours… You can go by bike and your wife by car providing support :wink:

Anyway, I live between Oviedo and a small village 40km to the West, so should you need a guide, I’d be happy to help.

In Asturias check this out:

And the little town called Lastres. Wifey gonna love that!

In Asturias you must visit the west part, less populated and no less pretty, you must visit villages like Luarca.
The cycling in Asturias is hard and scenic if you like riding mountains, there are a list of some of the principal “puertos”:

Excellent. Thank you for the information. Any recs on Cantabria as well?

Also (and maybe more importantly), what are the best local dishes :wink: ??

I can’t say much about Cantabria. Santander as any other coast cities are hard to cycle out.

With regard to Asturias, food is very diverse. Fish and seafood are very good (summer is not the best for seafood though). Beef too (you’ll realize as soon as you see the green pasts fulled with cows). Some comfy stews, cheeses and cider.

Northern cuisine is quite different to those from the Mediterranean or the South. Every region has its particular dishes and its culture.

Thank you for all the help.

Do you recommend Angliru from Las Mazas or La Roza?

Also, we are staying in Oviedo per your recommendation. Plus, my wife wants to take a picture of the Mafalda Monument… ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I’m looking forward to the Blue Cheese :slight_smile:

We are also thinking of Cangas de Onis, Potes, San Vincente de La Barquera (or Lastres). Any recommended rides from these areas? Good areas for riding or bad?

Also, are there any good routes near the Sea to ride you’d recommend?

Any pools for Lap Swimming in these places by any chance?


Angliru… It’s one of the most brutal rides in professional cycling. It’s not something I’d recommend to a sane person! I guess by las Mazas means from La Foz, so yeah. If you are coming from Oviedo is the straightest way. Prepare yourself and read about it. Gearing wise, 34/34 if possible

Cangas de Onís, Potes, Lastres, San Vicente are all perfect places. Cangas may be possibly one of the most visited routes by cyclists. Going up to Lagos is something every rider in Spain does at least once. From Lastres you can go to Ribadesella and then to Arriondas to come back to Lastres through El Fito (great cat 2 climb with beautiful views). Potes is a better place for pure climbing than San Vicente, which is in the coast. Anyway, you can’t go wrong in any of those places. They are great areas. Just follow the national road and take any deviation that has good tarmac to lose yourself.

Since you are coming in summer, municipal outdoor pools are open. For lap swimming you will have to go as soon as they open. In Oviedo I think you can go to Parque del Oeste or to las Caldas (this one is a spa but does the trick). I’m not really sure. I use my gym membership so it’s something I haven’t thought

Thank you. This is excellent information!

Any places you would recommend to rent a bike from?

The area around Cabezón de la Sal in Cantabria is also worth exploring. Check the route from “el soplao” cyclotourist race. You can split it into 2-3 stages. No that far from Oviedo.

Carma Bikes in Oviedo rents road, MTB and gravel bikes. Some friends have been going there for years so it’s a reputable shop

I’ve asked my LBS but they don’t do rentals.

There are other options for MTB outside of Oviedo (Valles del Oso). Nice to do with your wife

Thank you. This was VERY helpful.