Canadians forgot to post a government report on rampant corruption

Especially awesome no criminal charges forthcoming for the turn coats.

This is why the King has last say on things children.

From the article:

“The government last month introduced legislation that would accomplish many of the reforms laid out by the report.”

They also commissioned the report.

Bit of a swing and a miss, Windy. At least Canadians can rest assured we continue to live in your head, rent-free.

From the article:

“The government last month introduced legislation that would accomplish many of the reforms laid out by the report.”

They also commissioned the report.

Bit of a swing and a miss, Windy. At least Canadians can rest assured we continue to live in your head, rent-free.

I’m in a generous mood. Good back reread the article focusing on the no charges part and the team Trudeau knew since 2018 and did nada about it until the press called them out part.

At least we looked at it ‘… cough Russia cough’

I was not Canadians it was Justin Trudeau who did not act upon the report. One of the reasons he needs to go.

I’m in a generous mood. Good back reread the article focusing on the no charges part and the team Trudeau knew since 2018 and did nada about it until the press called them out part.

Ah, I see the problem. You expect the leader of the country to scream “WITCH HUNT!!!” and “FAKE NEWS!!!” and “EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!!!”.

See, normal people, in normal countries, when caught lying don’t double and triple down and call the whole process corrupt while trying to tear the system of checks and balances down.

You really don’t need to go looking overseas for rampant corruption in Canada. Just look at SNC-Lavalin, $10s (56 I think) of millions in brown envelopes for ‘facilitation fees’, and the interference by Trudeau in the RCMPs work when they were trying to hold SNC-lavalin to account.

4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Windy doesn’t believe in that Bible babble.

Especially awesome no criminal charges forthcoming for the turn coats.

This is why the King has last say on things children.

Trudeau is on pace to get launched in to the sun at the upcoming election, just so you know.

Meanwhile, in your country, you will have a choice between electing an insurrectionist, convicted felon and reality tv star, or someone so old he needs to eat with a bib on. How is that working out for you guys again?

4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Windy doesn’t believe in that Bible babble.

I am quite sure Bob Menendez is not unique in Congress. He was just the most brazen.

I’m in a generous mood. Good back reread the article focusing on the no charges part and the team Trudeau knew since 2018 and did nada about it until the press called them out part.

Ah, I see the problem. You expect the leader of the country to scream “WITCH HUNT!!!” and “FAKE NEWS!!!” and “EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!!!”.

See, normal people, in normal countries, when caught lying don’t double and triple down and call the whole process corrupt while trying to tear the system of checks and balances down.

They just ignore it?

Especially awesome no criminal charges forthcoming for the turn coats.

This is why the King has last say on things children.

Trudeau is on pace to get launched in to the sun at the upcoming election, just so you know.

Meanwhile, in your country, you will have a choice between electing an insurrectionist, convicted felon and reality tv star, or someone so old he needs to eat with a bib on. How is that working out for you guys again?

Don’t know about the former but the latter is spot on

Especially awesome no criminal charges forthcoming for the turn coats.

This is why the King has last say on things children.

Trudeau is on pace to get launched in to the sun at the upcoming election, just so you know.

Meanwhile, in your country, you will have a choice between electing an insurrectionist, convicted felon and reality tv star, or someone so old he needs to eat with a bib on. How is that working out for you guys again?

Don’t know about the former but the latter is spot on

You don’t think JT is going to receive an epic spanking?

Especially awesome no criminal charges forthcoming for the turn coats.

This is why the King has last say on things children.

Trudeau is on pace to get launched in to the sun at the upcoming election, just so you know.

Meanwhile, in your country, you will have a choice between electing an insurrectionist, convicted felon and reality tv star, or someone so old he needs to eat with a bib on. How is that working out for you guys again?

USA doing pretty well overall tbh

USA doing pretty well overall tbh

Not true. Tyler says that Biden is driving the USA into the ground.

Trump says that immagants are setting up camps in little league fields and kids can’t play baseball any more. Trump also says that immagants are being put up in luxury hotels on taxpayer dime. Which is quite the difference. Some terrorist immagants get luxury hotel suites and others get to camp on little league fields? Who’s monitoring this? It seems ripe for abuse.

you can be in trouble and still be on top, hypothetically.

you can be in trouble and still be on top, hypothetically.

“USA doing pretty well overall tbh”

I guess you won’t be on top or doing well when the looming commercial real estate crisis, that you are SO worried about in another thread, arrives.

you can be in trouble and still be on top, hypothetically.

“USA doing pretty well overall tbh”

I guess you won’t be on top or doing well when the looming commercial real estate crisis, that you are SO worried about in another thread, arrives.


ETA - I’m sighing because you’re stupid

you can be in trouble and still be on top, hypothetically.

“USA doing pretty well overall tbh”

I guess you won’t be on top or doing well when the looming commercial real estate crisis, that you are SO worried about in another thread, arrives.


ETA - I’m sighing because you’re stupid

The moderators frown on you having two accounts, Windy.