Canadian Parliament gives standing O to Waffen SS "Hero"

BBC News - Canada’s House speaker apologises for praising Ukrainian Nazi veteran

You guys make it too easy sometimes

BBC News - Canada’s House speaker apologises for praising Ukrainian Nazi veteran

You guys make it to easy sometimes

There were very fine people on both sides

BBC News - Canada’s House speaker apologises for praising Ukrainian Nazi veteran

You guys make it to easy sometimes

There were very fine people on both sides

Could you be in an SS division and just be a regular grunt fighting the Soviets? Did everyone participate in atrocities? Was the killing of Jews part of the sign up deal? I have no idea.

BBC News - Canada’s House speaker apologises for praising Ukrainian Nazi veteran

You guys make it to easy sometimes

There were very fine people on both sides

Could you be in an SS division and just be a regular grunt fighting the Soviets? Did everyone participate in atrocities? Was the killing of Jews part of the sign up deal? I have no idea.

It is complicated. There is no indication that Hunka, or his unit, committed war crimes but there were certainly some Ukrainians, and others, that did terrible things during WWII. You might recall that when Russia invaded Ukraine there was a Russian troll on this forum that used Ukrainian WWII collaboration as evidence that Ukraine is run by Nazis today. Of course he left out the fact that that collaboration was largely motivated by the Russian made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians.

Holodomor - Wikipedia

Regardless, anyone who knows history would be hesitant about inviting a Ukrainian who fought alongside Nazis to anything. Stupid move by Rota.

As usual Windy’s outrage is very selective. He is clutching his pearls about Canada, a country that he does not live in, but silent about his own party. When a member of his party invited a Holocaust denier to the State of the Union he said nothing. When the leader of his party dinned with a Neo-Nazi he said nothing.

BBC News - Canada’s House speaker apologises for praising Ukrainian Nazi veteran

You guys make it to easy sometimes

There were very fine people on both sides

Could you be in an SS division and just be a regular grunt fighting the Soviets? Did everyone participate in atrocities? Was the killing of Jews part of the sign up deal? I have no idea.

It is complicated. There is no indication that Hunka, or his unit, committed war crimes but there were certainly some Ukrainians, and others, that did terrible things during WWII. You might recall that when Russia invaded Ukraine there was a Russian troll on this forum that used Ukrainian WWII collaboration as evidence that Ukraine is run by Nazis today. Of course he left out the fact that that collaboration was largely motivated by the Russian made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians.

Holodomor - Wikipedia

Regardless, anyone who knows history would be hesitant about inviting a Ukrainian who fought alongside Nazis to anything. Stupid move by Rota.

As usual Windy’s outrage is very selective. He is clutching his pearls about Canada, a country that he does not live in, but silent about his own party. When a member of his party invited a Holocaust denier to the State of the Union he said nothing. When the leader of his party dinned with a Neo-Nazi he said nothing.

which part about the OP expresses outrage and pearl clutching. The only hatred and division I see being preached here is yours, as usual.

You are an endless tool. I guess you enjoy looking stupid and the appropriate abuse you get here.

I take it that it was an honest mistake by the Speaker of the House. I may well be he was unaware of the nuances of Ukrainian and WW2 history. I think most people are. Up until about a year ago I didn’t know much about the Russian induced famine of the Ukraine either.

I take it that it was an honest mistake by the Speaker of the House. I may well be he was unaware of the nuances of Ukrainian and WW2 history. I think most people are. Up until about a year ago I didn’t know much about the Russian induced famine of the Ukraine either.

I know Windy is just doing his anti-Canadian schtick but it’s so disingenuous to use this to slag Trudeau or Zelensky, which of course pro-Russian folks are doing online.

I take it that it was an honest mistake by the Speaker of the House. I may well be he was unaware of the nuances of Ukrainian and WW2 history. I think most people are. Up until about a year ago I didn’t know much about the Russian induced famine of the Ukraine either.

It was definitely an honest mistake.

I take it that it was an honest mistake by the Speaker of the House. I may well be he was unaware of the nuances of Ukrainian and WW2 history. I think most people are. Up until about a year ago I didn’t know much about the Russian induced famine of the Ukraine either.

I know Windy is just doing his anti-Canadian schtick but it’s so disingenuous to use this to slag Trudeau or Zelensky, which of course pro-Russian folks are doing online.

Why do you think it’s for a specific person? It’s just general Canadian mockery

I take it that it was an honest mistake by the Speaker of the House. I may well be he was unaware of the nuances of Ukrainian and WW2 history. I think most people are. Up until about a year ago I didn’t know much about the Russian induced famine of the Ukraine either.

I know Windy is just doing his anti-Canadian schtick but it’s so disingenuous to use this to slag Trudeau or Zelensky, which of course pro-Russian folks are doing online.

Why do you think it’s for a specific person? It’s just general Canadian mockery

And why don’t you call out the Nazi sympathizers, white nationalists and racists in your own party? You’re strangely silent about them.

lt is complicated. There is no indication that Hunka, or his unit, committed war crimes but there were certainly some Ukrainians, and others, that did terrible things during WWII. You might recall that when Russia invaded Ukraine there was a Russian troll on this forum that used Ukrainian WWII collaboration as evidence that Ukraine is run by Nazis today. Of course he left out the fact that that collaboration was largely motivated by the Russian made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians.

You might know this, but many others don’t, so here is another VERY important detail: not just some Ukrainians, but many, many russians and other former soviet nationalities also “collaborated” with nazis during WWII. But the russians and others weren’t, by any stretch, enthusiastic nazi supporters, as in, they didn’t go on a field trip to germany to jump on the nazi bandwagon. No, germany invaded their bloody country. So millions of soviets ended up behind german lines when the eastern front moved well into the USSR.

So many russians and other soviet residents did a devils bargain calculation: why the f*ck should they risk their lives fighting against the latest invader (the nazis), when they despised their own totalitarian govt of terror far more? And, on a side note, most russians disliked Jews anyway (heck, they still do today), so, what the hell?, they chose the insanity of the nazis over the vile leadership of USSR.

They were forced to choose between two very bad choices. Or, there was another alternative: a firing squad and a mass grave.

No one ends up smelling pretty in situations like this.

You are an endless tool. I guess you enjoy looking stupid and the appropriate abuse you get here.

Nutcase tries to claim outrage and pearl clutching where no evidence exists.

I call him on his bullshit.

You jump in to defend Nutcase on his claim of outrage and pearl clutching where none exist.

Yeah, I’m the one who looks stupid here.

I’m betting your brother is so happy he doesn’t have to suffer your “abuse” anymore. It’s withering for sure.

Try again tomorrow…

You are an endless tool. I guess you enjoy looking stupid and the appropriate abuse you get here.

Nutcase tries to claim outrage and pearl clutching where no evidence exists.

I call him on his bullshit.

You jump in to defend Nutcase on his claim of outrage and pearl clutching where none exist.

Yeah, I’m the one who looks stupid here.

I’m betting your brother is so happy he doesn’t have to suffer your “abuse” anymore. It’s withering for sure.

Try again tomorrow…

Windy has already clarified that you’re wrong.

Meanwhile, my brother is busy defending accused rapist Russell Brand, so as the parent of two daughters I’m good not communicating with him.

You are an endless tool. I guess you enjoy looking stupid and the appropriate abuse you get here.

Nutcase tries to claim outrage and pearl clutching where no evidence exists.

I call him on his bullshit.

You jump in to defend Nutcase on his claim of outrage and pearl clutching where none exist.

Yeah, I’m the one who looks stupid here.

I’m betting your brother is so happy he doesn’t have to suffer your “abuse” anymore. It’s withering for sure.

Try again tomorrow…

Windy has already clarified that you’re wrong.

Meanwhile, my brother is busy defending accused rapist Russell Brand, so as the parent of two daughters I’m good not communicating with him.

I bet it is this easy for your brother to get you all spun up too isn’t it? you know, the tool you don’t “communicate” with but still seem to know exactly what he’s doing these days.

You’re pathetic

You are an endless tool. I guess you enjoy looking stupid and the appropriate abuse you get here.

Nutcase tries to claim outrage and pearl clutching where no evidence exists.

I call him on his bullshit.

You jump in to defend Nutcase on his claim of outrage and pearl clutching where none exist.

Yeah, I’m the one who looks stupid here.

I’m betting your brother is so happy he doesn’t have to suffer your “abuse” anymore. It’s withering for sure.

Try again tomorrow…

Windy has already clarified that you’re wrong.

Meanwhile, my brother is busy defending accused rapist Russell Brand, so as the parent of two daughters I’m good not communicating with him.

I bet it is this easy for your brother to get you all spun up too isn’t it? you know, the tool you don’t “communicate” with but still seem to know exactly what he’s doing these days.

You’re pathetic

Well I’m not on Facebook so I don’t see much of what he writes. My spouse occasionally looks and lets me know, like today. If you call laughing at his idiocy and sadness “getting me all spun out” then great, but mostly I just find it sad.

Seeing as you seem so obsessed with me and my family, I will tell you that I do communicate with his wife, who’s a lovely person (and special ed teacher). I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know half of what he posts online because he always deletes it all a day or two later. Presumably because deep down he knows what he writes is a bad look. You, by contrast, seem to have no such self awareness.

I’m the one who looks stupid here.

Yes, you are.

Seek help.

The House Speaker has resigned. See how it’s done? You fuck up, you are out. No propaganda campaigns needed to keep the person who fucked up.

Be better USA.

The House Speaker has resigned. See how it’s done? You fuck up, you are out. No propaganda campaigns needed to keep the person who fucked up.

Be better USA.

First you need real journalists. Then you need an educated electorate who can discern truth from fiction. Then you need politicians with some sense of morality.

The US fails on all counts.

lt is complicated. There is no indication that Hunka, or his unit, committed war crimes but there were certainly some Ukrainians, and others, that did terrible things during WWII. You might recall that when Russia invaded Ukraine there was a Russian troll on this forum that used Ukrainian WWII collaboration as evidence that Ukraine is run by Nazis today. Of course he left out the fact that that collaboration was largely motivated by the Russian made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians.

You might know this, but many others don’t, so here is another VERY important detail: not just some Ukrainians, but many, many russians and other former soviet nationalities also “collaborated” with nazis during WWII. But the russians and others weren’t, by any stretch, enthusiastic nazi supporters, as in, they didn’t go on a field trip to germany to jump on the nazi bandwagon. No, germany invaded their bloody country. So millions of soviets ended up behind german lines when the eastern front moved well into the USSR.

So many russians and other soviet residents did a devils bargain calculation: why the f*ck should they risk their lives fighting against the latest invader (the nazis), when they despised their own totalitarian govt of terror far more? And, on a side note, most russians disliked Jews anyway (heck, they still do today), so, what the hell?, they chose the insanity of the nazis over the vile leadership of USSR.

They were forced to choose between two very bad choices. Or, there was another alternative: a firing squad and a mass grave.

No one ends up smelling pretty in situations like this.

In addition to that if your unit got caught behind enemy lines it was quite likely that if you ever got sent back to the USSR you would be regarded as a collaborator. I think entire Russian units were forced by the Allies after the war to go back to Russia to be met by firing squads.