Can you half-ass a cold water ultra?

I would like to do the longer Lake Tahoe swim.

I have heard it said about the English channel swim:
“Go fast. Or go fat.”

“Fast” or “fat” - either option is a bigger commitment than I currently want to make.

People half-ass Ironman and ultra-runs all the time!!!

Is there a way to half-ass a cold water marathon swim?


I am a 53 year old triathlete, with a college level competitive swimming background. My main focus will continue to be triathlon.
I think I could do a couple of weeks with 6+hrs/wk of swimming. (Generally I would like to avoid harming my running and cycling).

I have a BMI of 22. (I don’t want to get flatter).

What’s the expected water temperature?

For Lake Tahoe:
63 - 68.

Compare to English Channel
59- 64.

It might be that an extra 2 or 3 degrees of warmth makes a big difference??

“It might be that an extra 2 or 3 degrees of warmth makes a big difference??”

As a skinny cold water swimmer (relays, though, so only 1 hour at a time), I feel like every degree above 58 makes a big difference (swum the English channel at 58F and Catalina at high 60’s, IIRC).

I’d say for most people it’s not the best idea I’ll hear this month.

For you though it’s fine.

For Lake Tahoe:
63 - 68.

Compare to English Channel
59- 64.//

Hate to break it to you, but that Tahoe water is as cold or colder than the Channel water. There is about an 8 to 10 degree delta from fresh to salt water, so a 68 degree lake is about like a 58 to 60 ocean. Often gets overlooked by most folks that dont swim in them both that often, and some people just plain dont know they are that different. Has to do with the salt concentration.

But you are a long time swimmer, just think about Hawaii at 76 degrees and how warm and hot that water feels, and then recall the pool when the heater broke at it was just 76. Remember that day??

I have been contemplating doing the relay there for some years now, maybe this will be the one. You should be fine as long as you get in some longer swims, but prepare for cold water for sure…