Can Tom Dumoulin swim?

Anyone knows if Tom Dumoulin can swim? He just posted a 1:10 in his debut at the Rotterdam half marathon. He’s only 32 and there are rumours that he is also a strong cyclist :wink: so if he can swim he could certainly do well in Tri

dont know the answer to this but i do know that Victor Campenaerts used to be a swimmer before getting into biking pretty late. no idea if he can run. if he can run half decent he may be decent at the tris on retirement if he wants

Anyone knows if Tom Dumoulin can swim? He just posted a 1:10 in his debut at the Rotterdam half marathon. He’s only 32 and there are rumours that he is also a strong cyclist :wink: so if he can swim he could certainly do well in Tri

Yeah there’s a few ex pro cyclists who are handy runners, but sadly no swim background.

There are a handful of very good triathletes well known on ST, that it would difficult to answer- can they swim!

Ritchie Porte is a fantastic swimmer. Has no interest in Ironman though.

If he does, I’d swim a few lanes over and check for floaters.

Unfortunately, the best swimmer amongst the “former pro-cyclist” category is likely to be he-who-shall-not-be-named.

Baby Ruth!!!

Anyone knows if Tom Dumoulin can swim? He just posted a 1:10 in his debut at the Rotterdam half marathon. He’s only 32 and there are rumours that he is also a strong cyclist :wink: so if he can swim he could certainly do well in Tri

Does he weigh less than a duck?

If you drop a duce in the water is that a DQ? Asking for a friend. Would love to see Tomdom on the bike of an IM :slight_smile:

Does he weigh less than a duck?

Tom was on the Geraint Thomas podcast and talked somewhat about his running. He has only recently been doing it for fun and got a watch shortly before the race so he could try to go sub 1:15. Turbo Tom still has it.

Unfortunately, the best swimmer amongst the “former pro-cyclist” category is likely to be he-who-shall-not-be-named.

Why can’t we name Richie Porte?