Can someone please help me understand what is going on in Israel?

I have a low level of international conflicts, but I’m painfully oblivious to the conflict in Israel.

Can someone explain to me like I’m 5 what the 2 sides want in this conflict? I did some Google searching but most results were about current strategy, death and destruction tolls, and Russia.

Israel wants to exist peacefully with its neighbors

Some of its neighbors want to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth

The people living in Gaza and West Bank are being used as pawns (the little people in chess) by the people who want to wipe Israel from the face of the map

I’d read up on the Balfour agreement and then 1948 war, 6 day war, Yom Kippur war…you’ll get an idea

Ultimately, it goes back to different groups thinking their imaginary gods give them special rights to a given patch of land. At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.

At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.
What does this mean?

At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.
What does this mean?

Well I guess in this context it would mean the British didn’t feel any need to hold onto Jerusalem as a holy Christian city back in the middle of the 20th century.…?si=wzk2izUeQ6F1Kbib

Ultimately, it goes back to different groups thinking their imaginary gods give them special rights to a given patch of land. At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.

Since the 90s?

At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.
What does this mean?

I believe it’s a reference to the Crusades.

Israel wants to exist peacefully with its neighbors

Some of its neighbors want to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth

The people living in Gaza and West Bank are being used as pawns (the little people in chess) by the people who want to wipe Israel from the face of the map

I’d read up on the Balfour agreement and then 1948 war, 6 day war, Yom Kippur war…you’ll get an idea

This is mostly correct. While Israel is not completely unworthy of criticism on actions within their territory they have not instigated war with those beyond. The Palestinian people are for all intents and purposes stateless. You don’t see other ME countries suggesting they move there either.

To the OP, for further reading try Crusades 1 - 8. This shit is not going away.…?si=wzk2izUeQ6F1Kbib

Ultimately, it goes back to different groups thinking their imaginary gods give them special rights to a given patch of land. At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.

Since the 90s?

No idea what you mean.

Try this for some basics:


Ultimately, it goes back to different groups thinking their imaginary gods give them special rights to a given patch of land. At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.

Deduct 3 points

At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.
What does this mean?

Well I guess in this context it would mean the British didn’t feel any need to hold onto Jerusalem as a holy Christian city back in the middle of the 20th century.

Deduct another three points

Ultimately, it goes back to different groups thinking their imaginary gods give them special rights to a given patch of land. At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.

Since the 90s?

No idea what you mean.

This is NOT to get drawn into any sort of debate about the Serbian war, which is way above my pay grade, but it did happen.

Although many different ethnic and religious groups had resided together for 40 years under Yugoslavia’s repressive communist government, this changed when the country began to collapse during the fall of communism in the early 1990s. The provinces of Slovenia and Croatia declared independence, and war quickly followed between Serbia and these breakaway republics. Ethnic tensions were brought to the forefront, and people who had lived peacefully for years as neighbors turned against each other and took up arms. When Bosnia attempted to secede, Serbia – under Slobodan Miloševic’s leadership – invaded with the claim that it was there to “free” fellow Serbian Orthodox Christians living in Bosnia.
Starting in April 1992, Serbia set out to “ethnically cleanse” Bosnian territory by systematically removing all Bosnian Muslims, known as Bosniaks. Serbia, together with ethnic Bosnian Serbs, attacked Bosniaks with former Yugoslavian military equipment and surrounded Sarajevo, the capital city. Many Bosniaks were driven into concentration camps, where women and girls were systematically gang-raped and other civilians were tortured, starved and murdered.

Regarding the current chaos. It seems clear the attack was primarily aimed at disrupting negotiations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Saudis appeared on the verge of normalizing relations with Israel. Hamas, and its benefactor Iran, want to disrupt this. One of the key sticking points in the negotiations is Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Pretty clear that no deal can go through now that Gaza is under siege.

Peace puts Hamas out of business.

Focusing on just Gaza, it has little or nothing to do with religion. The Palestinians have legal ownership of the area, and that isn’t really contested since Israel removed their illegal settlements. However, Israel remains the occupying power and pretty much blockades the economy, resulting in it being effectively a large prison with the majority of the people impoverished, high unemployment, and dependent on international aid just for food. The people of Gaza have the internationally recognized right to resist occupation, including through military means. As they have seen many innocents killed on their own side, the Palestinians have little sympathy for Israeli civilians, especially adults supporting the government.

Jewish Voice for Peace: On October 7, JVP published a press release claiming “The Root of Violence Is Oppression.” According to the press release, “The Israeli government may have just declared war, but its war on Palestinians started over 75 years ago. Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression — are the source of all this violence. Reality is shaped by when you start the clock. For 16 years, the Israeli government has suffocated Palestinians in Gaza under a draconian air, sea and land military blockade, imprisoning and starving two million people and denying them medical aid. The Israeli government routinely massacres Palestinians in Gaza; ten-year-olds who live in Gaza have already been traumatized by seven major bombing campaigns in their short lives. For 75 years, the Israeli government has maintained a military occupation over Palestinians, operating an apartheid regime. Palestinian children are dragged from their beds in pre-dawn raids by Israeli soldiers and held without charge in Israeli military prisons. Palestinians homes are torched by mobs of Israeli settlers, or destroyed by the Israeli army. Entire Palestinian villages are forced to flee, abandoning the homes and orchards and land that were in their family for generations.”

Amnesty International: On October 7, Amnesty published a press release claiming that “The root causes of these repeated cycles of violence must be addressed as a matter of urgency. This requires upholding international law and ending Israel’s 16-year-long illegal blockade on Gaza, and all other aspects of Israel’s system of apartheid imposed on all Palestinians. The Israeli government must refrain from inciting violence and tensions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, especially around religious sites. Amnesty International calls on the international community to urgently intervene to protect civilians and prevent further suffering. In 2021, the International Criminal Court opened an investigation into the situation in the State of Palestine. Its mandate includes crimes under international law committed by all parties in the current fighting, as well as the crime against humanity of apartheid against Palestinians.”

Peace also would be detrimental to Netanyahu’s government as well as Iran’s.

I won’t go so far as to call Netanyahu complicit, but I think he needed to walk a fine line until now.

Agree. He has also propped up Hamas as a way to undermine Abbas.

It appears Iran/Hamas has achieved one of their goals. The Saudis have ended the normalization talks with Israel.

Saudi Arabia ends talks on normalization with Israel amid Hamas-Israel war (…?si=wzk2izUeQ6F1Kbib

Ultimately, it goes back to different groups thinking their imaginary gods give them special rights to a given patch of land. At least Christians have largely put the “that’s worth killing people over” behind them.

Since the 90s?

No idea what you mean.

This is NOT to get drawn into any sort of debate about the Serbian war, which is way above my pay grade, but it did happen.

Although many different ethnic and religious groups had resided together for 40 years under Yugoslavia’s repressive communist government, this changed when the country began to collapse during the fall of communism in the early 1990s. The provinces of Slovenia and Croatia declared independence, and war quickly followed between Serbia and these breakaway republics. Ethnic tensions were brought to the forefront, and people who had lived peacefully for years as neighbors turned against each other and took up arms. When Bosnia attempted to secede, Serbia – under Slobodan Miloševic’s leadership – invaded with the claim that it was there to “free” fellow Serbian Orthodox Christians living in Bosnia.
Starting in April 1992, Serbia set out to “ethnically cleanse” Bosnian territory by systematically removing all Bosnian Muslims, known as Bosniaks. Serbia, together with ethnic Bosnian Serbs, attacked Bosniaks with former Yugoslavian military equipment and surrounded Sarajevo, the capital city. Many Bosniaks were driven into concentration camps, where women and girls were systematically gang-raped and other civilians were tortured, starved and murdered.

That’s why I said largely.

Peace also would be detrimental to Netanyahu’s government as well as Iran’s.

I won’t go so far as to call Netanyahu complicit, but I think he needed to walk a fine line until now.

Saw a comment by an Israeli in a thread where they said a lot of his friends think Netanyahu was behind it, implying he knew about it and let it happen. But like most conspiracy theories that would seem to require an inordinate number of people to keep their mouths shut, which most people are particularly bad at doing.

It appears Iran/Hamas has achieved one of their goals. The Saudis have ended the normalization talks with Israel.

Saudi Arabia ends talks on normalization with Israel amid Hamas-Israel war (

The way to get the Saudis back to the table is for Israel to unload on Iran instead of the Palestinians. But probably won’t happen. SA hates Iran.

I listen to Micheal Morell’s podcast and he has said a few times that Israel has been ready, willing, and able to strike Iran for years. It is only the US that has been holding it back. After this I can’t imagine they will hold back much longer.