Can I do an ironman?... opinions

so I have been training for Racine 70.3 in July and the Chicago Marathon in Oct, but am highly considering IMKY in August. I have been about 50% over most 70.3 training plans on the swim and run and about 25% above plan on the bike. This is my first year of doing triathlons and my background is marathon running and swimming so the bike is newer to me. I have put in a 60 miler so far on the bike at a 20 mph average pace so I am getting there… albeit sore the next day. So do you all think it is possible to add an IM on with increasing the bike training? What are your past experiences for training for your first IM? What is a respectable IMKY finishing time? Thank you all for taking the time to read!!

you mean do it, or do it well? You have an advantage in that you can run and swim well. Atleast in the bike, if your struggling, you can ‘roll’ and it doesnt take too much effort comparatively. So up your bike training, maintain your other 2 and hell yeah, why couldnt you do an IM?

Yes, I think anyone can complete an IM if they are dedicated and consistent with the training. All depends on what your goals are.

If you ride more given your description of your stengths…absolutely. My advice is ride and ride and ride. Make sure you can swim the distance. Know you can do the bike and walk if it’s a bit too much. what’s respectable is training hard enough to believe you can do it. Actually doing it is the icing on the cake. don’t fixate on results…fixate on training as much as you can and believing you can get it done…and then committing to do it…after that…honestly, its a piece of cake…