Can a convicted felon have access to Top Secret documents?

Um… asking for a friend.

Maybe he’ll defect to russia.

Sure hope so.

What if the convicted felon can declassify the document only with his mind without telling anyone?

Even if he holds a US Passport, their are nations… Some are serious Allies, who will not allow entrance to a Felon. How would that work? Imagine what it might feel like for him to turned away at a border.

In seriousness, let’s imagine Donald Trump were reelected. We’ve seen plenty of people make the argument that he can legally see or do whatever he wants with classified information once he’s in office, but in the lead up, it would be perfectly within Pres Biden’s authority to refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to Donald as President-elect on the basis that he didn’t want to give classified info to a felon.

In seriousness, let’s imagine Donald Trump were reelected. We’ve seen plenty of people make the argument that he can legally see or do whatever he wants with classified information once he’s in office, but in the lead up, it would be perfectly within Pres Biden’s authority to refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to Donald as President-elect on the basis that he didn’t want to give classified info to a felon.

Yes. In the event Trump is reelected, let’s refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to him so that the incoming President is in the dark on day 1. And this serves what purpose exactly? And the Country is better off how?

In seriousness, let’s imagine Donald Trump were reelected. We’ve seen plenty of people make the argument that he can legally see or do whatever he wants with classified information once he’s in office, but in the lead up, it would be perfectly within Pres Biden’s authority to refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to Donald as President-elect on the basis that he didn’t want to give classified info to a felon.

Yes. In the event Trump is reelected, let’s refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to him so that the incoming President is in the dark on day 1. And this serves what purpose exactly? And the Country is better off how?

First, I’m not making a recommendation, just noting a possibility. Second, if you think the country is in any measurable way better off based on whether or not Donald Trump gets an intelligence briefing, I think you’re sadly mistaken. That said, if Pres Biden was to do something like that, the purpose would be to not knowingly or negligently provide classified information to a convicted felon with a proven track record of failing to safeguard classified information, a whole host of questionable foreign relationships, and a self described agenda of political revenge.

In seriousness, let’s imagine Donald Trump were reelected. We’ve seen plenty of people make the argument that he can legally see or do whatever he wants with classified information once he’s in office, but in the lead up, it would be perfectly within Pres Biden’s authority to refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to Donald as President-elect on the basis that he didn’t want to give classified info to a felon.

Yes. In the event Trump is reelected, let’s refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to him so that the incoming President is in the dark on day 1. And this serves what purpose exactly? And the Country is better off how?

It would not matter, Trump doesn’t read.

The President Who Doesn’t Read - The Atlantic

Wouldn’t Trump just pardon himself the moment after he was sworn in as president?

Wouldn’t Trump just pardon himself the moment after he was sworn in as president?

State charges. He doesn’t have the authority.

Maybe he’ll defect to russia.

Sure hope so.

In seriousness, let’s imagine Donald Trump were reelected. We’ve seen plenty of people make the argument that he can legally see or do whatever he wants with classified information once he’s in office, but in the lead up, it would be perfectly within Pres Biden’s authority to refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to Donald as President-elect on the basis that he didn’t want to give classified info to a felon.

Yes. In the event Trump is reelected, let’s refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to him so that the incoming President is in the dark on day 1. And this serves what purpose exactly? And the Country is better off how?

First, I’m not making a recommendation, just noting a possibility. Second, if you think the country is in any measurable way better off based on whether or not Donald Trump gets an intelligence briefing, I think you’re sadly mistaken. That said, if Pres Biden was to do something like that, the purpose would be to not knowingly or negligently provide classified information to a convicted felon with a proven track record of failing to safeguard classified information, a whole host of questionable foreign relationships, and a self described agenda of political revenge.


And then he gets full access the day he’s inaugurated.

In seriousness, let’s imagine Donald Trump were reelected. We’ve seen plenty of people make the argument that he can legally see or do whatever he wants with classified information once he’s in office, but in the lead up, it would be perfectly within Pres Biden’s authority to refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to Donald as President-elect on the basis that he didn’t want to give classified info to a felon.

Yes. In the event Trump is reelected, let’s refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to him so that the incoming President is in the dark on day 1. And this serves what purpose exactly? And the Country is better off how?

Are you saying that would be bad?

Although I have been gleeful in his conviction, it has also brought me consternation.

I see so many flaws with the position of the US President when it comes constiutional law. We have never had to address these issues until now. It is because of the information age that we live in.

The reality I believe is that there are zero checks on the President due to the divided nature of the congress. I don’t see that changing. I believe there was an argument before the courts several months back over whether the president could order the military to assasinate a political opponent. In our current state the President could and there is no way to stop it. Both parties have shown they value political power over everything else.

You may call BS on that. I respectfully disagree. Hope it never comes to that but it is now not out of the question.

In seriousness, let’s imagine Donald Trump were reelected. We’ve seen plenty of people make the argument that he can legally see or do whatever he wants with classified information once he’s in office, but in the lead up, it would be perfectly within Pres Biden’s authority to refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to Donald as President-elect on the basis that he didn’t want to give classified info to a felon.

Yes. In the event Trump is reelected, let’s refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to him so that the incoming President is in the dark on day 1. And this serves what purpose exactly? And the Country is better off how?

First, I’m not making a recommendation, just noting a possibility. Second, if you think the country is in any measurable way better off based on whether or not Donald Trump gets an intelligence briefing, I think you’re sadly mistaken. That said, if Pres Biden was to do something like that, the purpose would be to not knowingly or negligently provide classified information to a convicted felon with a proven track record of failing to safeguard classified information, a whole host of questionable foreign relationships, and a self described agenda of political revenge.


And then he gets full access the day he’s inaugurated.

Correct. Slowguy isn’t saying this hypothetical is the correct way to operate or offering a solution to some problem. He’s not even saying Trump isn’t going to have access eventually. He is simply saying that, from a legal standpoint, it would be well-within President Biden’s power/rights to do so because of the president elect’s status and history at that time.

In seriousness, let’s imagine Donald Trump were reelected. We’ve seen plenty of people make the argument that he can legally see or do whatever he wants with classified information once he’s in office, but in the lead up, it would be perfectly within Pres Biden’s authority to refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to Donald as President-elect on the basis that he didn’t want to give classified info to a felon.

Yes. In the event Trump is reelected, let’s refuse to make classified intelligence briefings available to him so that the incoming President is in the dark on day 1. And this serves what purpose exactly? And the Country is better off how?

First, I’m not making a recommendation, just noting a possibility. Second, if you think the country is in any measurable way better off based on whether or not Donald Trump gets an intelligence briefing, I think you’re sadly mistaken. That said, if Pres Biden was to do something like that, the purpose would be to not knowingly or negligently provide classified information to a convicted felon with a proven track record of failing to safeguard classified information, a whole host of questionable foreign relationships, and a self described agenda of political revenge.


And then he gets full access the day he’s inaugurated.

Correct. Slowguy isn’t saying this hypothetical is the correct way to operate or offering a solution to some problem. He’s not even saying Trump isn’t going to have access eventually. He is simply saying that, from a legal standpoint, it would be well-within President Biden’s power/rights to do so because of the president elect’s status and history at that time.

And I wasn’t disagreeing with Slowguy. But then I asked, “What does that accomplish?”

The answers seem to be, “Trump can’t read” and “He should do it because he can.”

My question is, "Do you really want the duly elected President (no matter how much you hate him) to not be as prepared as he can be on day one?

Both parties have shown they value political power over everything else.

You may call BS on that. I respectfully disagree. Hope it never comes to that but it is now not out of the question.

i have no doubt that the Dems value political power as much as the next guy.

But I draw the line at equating the two parties. There simply is no comparison.

The GOP know that Trump is destroying their party and they are terrified to do anything about it because they know it will piss off their voters. The GOP are sniveling, conniving, turd-weasel cowards.

Don’t compare them to the Dems.

My question is, "Do you really want the duly elected President (no matter how much you hate him) to not be as prepared as he can be on day one?

The convicted felon thinks so, because he denied Biden access to intelligence briefings during his handover.

My question is, "Do you really want the duly elected President (no matter how much you hate him) to not be as prepared as he can be on day one?

The convicted felon thinks so, because he denied Biden access to intelligence briefings during his handover.

Yeah I’m sure JFHJR found this horrifying:

My question is, "Do you really want the duly elected President (no matter how much you hate him) to not be as prepared as he can be on day one?

My question is, “Do you really want a man that has shown complete disregard for classified information and a willingness to share it inappropriately to have access to it?”

In a sane world a man like that would have no chance of becoming president, but here we are.