One of the world’s most accomplished distance runners, Camille Herron, and her coach have been caught removing accolades from other athletes’ Wikipedia pages and “fluffing” her own
It’s all very sad and rather distasteful. Camille’s legacy will probably be this, rather than remembering her as one of the top female ultra runners of this period.
While I think that she is a great runner, I wouldn’t say that she is the best of the current cohort, let alone of all time.
What’s her beef with Des? I’m not gonna say that I “understand” fucking with someone’s Wikipedia page, but going after Courtney and Kilian Jornet and Yiannis Kouros at least make “sense?”
Also: Double double-letters
This is sad to read. I respected her ability to run such distances but this strikes me as a mental health issue. Sadly, this is likely what she will be remembered for
She did recently start speaking more openly about some mental health “challenges” of which she’s become aware; she said she’s always suspected something spectrum-ish, but has now been clinically diagnosed/identified
Of course, lots of the comments I’ve seen lean to “aren’t ALL ultrarunners mentally ill, in some way?” which is a fairly cruel way to put it, as these people were not joking from what I could tell (I could be wrong)
Thanks to the thread over in the LR, I found this
Hello from Greece- here for the Spartathlon 153 mile race scheduled for this Saturday.
Yesterday I received a notification about a published article by Canadian Running Magazine. The author said he reached out for comment before it was published. I found an email sent Sept 20 in my spam account yesterday after the article was published! I never got a chance to say anything to the Canadian Running website before they published it. Plus we have been traveling the last few days with limited access!
For the Wikipedia part, temporun73 was the original account I created in 2016 and use to edit the page. I manage this so Camille can focus on her running and recovery.
Starting in 2023 and continuing to this day, cyber bullies by the name of Steven Walling, Liliana Uwu, C.Fred, Melcous, and some more were repeatedly editing out significant parts of Camille’s life/ biographical details.
I kept adding back in the details, and then they blocked my account in early February of this year. Nothing was out of line with what other athletes have on their pages. Wikipedia allows the creation of another account, so I created a new account Rundbowie. I was going off what other athletes had on their pages using the username Rundbowie and copying/pasting this info.
Camille had nothing to do with this. I am 100% responsible and apologize for any athletes affected by this and the wrong I did.
I was only trying to protect Camille from the constant bullying, harassment and accusations she has endured in her running career, which has severely impacted her mental health. So much to the point that she has sought professional mental health help.
I also went ahead and deactivated all of Camille’s social platforms for the time being because of the vile comments she has received.
I appreciate you reaching out to me.
Conor Holt
Whichever BroJo wrote it started with “we received” but I found the exact same email in three other places, so it wasn’t exactly unique to LetsRun
Huh - still doesn’t explain the need to delete things off other people’s pages…
If questioned about it, I suspect he’s gonna come with with something like:
"As I stated, I was going off what other athletes had on their pages using the username Rundbowie and copying/pasting this info. At least I thought I was copying. Apparently, I was in fact CUTTING from one page - effectively deleting it - and pasting it into Camille’s
“I am NOT good at MS Word or Google Docs, as we’ve now learned”
Lululemon have dropped her like a hot potato as of yesterday.
Can’t see her racing in Greece this weekend now - unless she does it out of spite.
It was very unprofessional of her / husband to alter history of others via Wikipedia and the public shaming was probably warranted. The cherry on the cake was the official reply by the husband - it was woefully unapologetic and didn’t do them any favours (I’m the victim here!), plus the wiping of all socal accounts and even her website was such a bad move.
I feel like the concequences of all this have snowballed into massive financial and personal issues for her which seem a bit harsh now, all for some editing of wikipedia.
But hey do dumb things, get found out…
I’m sure there will be commentary on Ten Junk Miles podcast or FB page, as Camille & Scotty, the host, are good friends
I’ll keep an ear out for it, and post a link here when something drops
< the episode the dropped yesterday was recorded 9/15 (there was a update in the GB/IND score ), so anything re: Camille won’t come to air for a couple weeks, unless Scotty does something on his own >
Uh, oh … Laura Green has it in her latest video
On the TJM FB group page, Scotty posted
“Ok. TJM races are done for the year. Who do you want to hear on the podcast. I’m getting to scheduling.”
People threw out names who he’s probably been chasing and not gotten yet, but I went for a friend of the show
I responded “Camille; we have questions”
Scotty gave me a Like, as have several other members; apparently, they have questions, too
Camille is back on IG, doing promo for her upcoming 48-hour race in Taiwan